Why does the grip come off when the rocket is launched?
Why does the grip come off when the rocket is launched?
If you’re referring to lock greying on launch its due to “Fire Weapon: Air to Air” also activating lock so its the missile firing but the keybind trying to restart the seeker and then it disappears. It’s just a small glitch and afaik doesn’t effect much
Question why the target acquisition, reset right before the missile launch. It is difficult to notice because the target is flying in the open directly at me without anything obstructed dipoles he did not throw away.
If it is a bug very convenient bug, like player selection is that in 70% of the games I play on Mig-23ML I play against Mig-29, F-16A and F-14A Early. I’m used to the Phantoms, but I have a problem with the new generation hysterics
Oh are you talking about the seeker swapping targets? I’d assume your radar painted the guy right before launch and the missile’s seeker confused itself. The MiG-23 is still really good even in an uptier from my experience
Usually the missile will change target if the capture was not done correctly
So my capture is off the Mig-21, and at the moment the missile was launched.
Yeah the missile looks like it effectively confused itself