Requesting DLAA Implementation for Enhanced Visual Quality compared to current options

Yea it looks amazing with DLAA. Now if only the game supported DLSS/DLAA with Vulkan and it would be perfect. DirectX11 and DirectX12 run horribly for me mainly in air RB with massive constant frametime spikes. This is seemingly due to one of my CPU cores being always maxed out. Vulkan does not have this CPU issue nearly as bad but also does not support DLSS/DLAA which is a shame since Vulkan runs much better

I have had a bug report for a while but haven’t really gotten progress with it.

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It should be the same thing, however, i remember some games used to have problems with forcing DLAA, so they had to use the 0.99x forced scaling ratio instead. It’s not a problem that I’ve had in War Thunder personally, so use whatever you feel like.

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DLAA was added to the Dev Server, so I decided to compare the Anti-Aliasing options available in War Thunder. I compared most AA options and their combinations at three different resolutions. DLAA loses about 10% of FPS compared to the current AA combination that has the most impact on performance, TAA+SSAA 4X. In my opinion, the current implementation of DLAA on the Dev Server is not very good compared to other games that use this feature. Unfortunately, I expected this, given the poor implementation of DLSS.
The test was done on an RTX 3060 Ti.
1080P comparison: War Thunder dev server Dance of Dragon update, Anti-Aliasing comparison 1080P - Imgsli
1440P comparison: War Thunder dev server Dance of Dragon update, Anti-Aliasing comparison 1440P - Imgsli
4K comparison: War Thunder dev server Dance of Dragon update, Anti-Aliasing comparison 4K - Imgsli

wait what

Yep, we got DLSS 3.7 this patch

They officially added it to the Dev Server, but I don’t know if it will come to the Live Server, it could be a feature that only remained in Dev, like XeSS, and the DLSS version in the Dev files is 3.7 just like in the Live version.

Unless I am remembering incorrect XeSS has been on the live server for a long time.

Wow, I only realized now, it’s been so long since I’ve touched War Thunder’s graphics settings that I didn’t even realize it had been released a long time ago, but I remember that this feature was only on the Dev server for a long time.

I didn’t see it being added on the change log, can nah idk confirmed whether it’s on the live or not?

It hasn’t been added to the main server yet, it will probably stay on the dev server for a while, like XeSS was.

Saw your comment on Reddit. This is exactly what i want too. i got a 3080 and wasnt able to find any good 1440p monitors in my country which i can pay. This option would be great.

DLAA was added today actually lol. It’s the “native” option in the DLSS settings. I am guessing they assume most don’t know what DLAA is to they called it DLSS native which is close enough name wise.


so thats what it is…

ironically because of the RT im back to using dlss quality