Request for Accurate Representation of M1 Abrams Armor and Spall Liners in War Thunder

Welp as of now there still no official source to clarify whatever Abrams has some sort of spall liners or not.
There is a few source (in bug report) that say Abrams has spall liner. but they’re not somethings like manual .

again there are no disclosure about Abrams integral spall liners “yet”.


Well, we can prove that Chobham (of which the early generation(s) of US NERA array are based on) contains layered plastic, and so it’s not entirely without precedent, but then as it’s not specifically mentioned, shown or referenced in the declassified Green Grape report it’s hard to tell one way or the other, as a “non conventional” material is not listed in the cross-sections. Though this may make some sense if its encapsulated into each plate, or other element as the specific composition is not mentioned in said document.

As an aside here’s a link that details the performance of Spall liners

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Yep as i said. We might know what composite armor on M1 Abrams look like. Or how it was arranged. We still didn’t know all of materials they use. How thick they are, Angle ,etc and How they will react against incoming round/against impact.