Remove R-27ER

The full quote:

The tail section has four fixed wings and the movable wings are placed in the mid section. The total number of airfoils on the design is actually 12.

You did not classify anything, rather are using more complex terminology to put forth a pretense that your original arguments were valid. They were not. You did not think the movable wings were an airfoil so we must be getting somewhere.

I have highlighted here the airfoil from side-view. This is also visible in pictures (please see below).
Below this is another supersonic wedge shaped airfoil from top view with the same portions highlighted.

The leading edge is red, the wing is yellow, and the trailing portion is blue. The yellow section could be considered the “point” of a normal diamond wedge shaped supersonic airfoil.


Now, according to those shapes the correct terminology for the airfoil would be again a modified hexagonal for both the wing and the tail section airfoils.

Even the destabilizers on the front fit nearly perfectly the (General) hexagonal shape outlined.

Generally this is what we would call “implied”. How do you control a plane? It isn’t exactly drag that causes the plane to steer when trim devices, elevons, ailerons, rudders, etc are deflected. In the case of the missile the only difference is that none of these surfaces produce any usable lift until angle of attack is involved.

The same airfoils pictured side-by-side:


That is your assumption.

They are not there to provide lift. Only to control steering of the missile.
At the speeds the missile flies the sharp edges on the control fins prevent the formation of a detached bow shock.

You are the only person that says they are wings. Not even your own sources state this.

You do not know the definition of the word imply is either.
It’s not implied. Its directly stating they are for control. Please get an education.

Again, you are the only person that says they are wings. Not even your own sources state this.

Not even your sources on the Old Forum state this either.

Correct, that is the case for both the wings at the rear and the movable wings in the middle… not to mention the destabilizers at the front. It’s a missile. Slicing through air is what it is intended to do.

They quite literally state this.

If I state that trim devices are used to control an object designed to fly through the air what force do you suspect it uses to do so? Air pressure?

According to Rosoboronexport (State export company of air-to-air missiles for Russia)

It states clearly “rotary wing” when discussing these parts together, or as a “rudder” when discussed individually for the movable wings in the mid section.

You cannot fathom that translation errors occur when documentation is translated literally online. The shape and design of these “control fins” speak for themselves;

You can repost the same massive pictures 400 times & highlight them all the colors of the rainbow.
It makes no difference.

You do not know what flight control surfaces are. They do not produce enough airflow deflection or air pressure change to be considered lift & are used only to control the aircraft/missile’s direction in 3 dimensions.

This all comes down your lack of education of what Lift is. This is taught to us in the 4th grade which you still cannot comprehend.

The R27 Patent does not whatsoever call them wings. They call them control wheels & even referred to as rudders.
Because rudders control steering.

The R27 patent supersedes what any export company calls them.

I mean the very slight differences in air pressure due to the air above the fin being subject to less vertical atmospheric pressure than the air below the fin.

Edit: Idk what the argument is at the moment, I’m just wondering if that small pressure differential is negligible in general or not.

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If the rudders are at the center of mass.The rocket will be very poorly controlled.or not to be controlled at all

This is true, I stated that they are closer than the tail fins not exactly at the center of mass.

Its not.
The center of mass is where the actual wings are place. The Largest and heaviest part of the missile is in the motor. R27ER is even more enlarged.

You didn’t get much wrong.The scheme of the rocket is intermediate.That is, it does not have rotary wings in its composition (but it is very similar)An example with a rotary wing is the R-77.The design of the rudder is sometimes referred to as a lattice wing


If the center of mass was in the tail, the rocket would not have flown anywhere
Центр тяжести=СG

Not just the tail. the entire back half of the missile. The wings are placed at the heaviest point. It is also evident as the ER is enlarged in the exact areas where its heaviest.


Yes, precisely. The circled area is the center of mass & heaviest part of the missile.

You’re blind and you can’t see the picture where the center of mass is specified
Do you even understand what the center of mass is?

You think center of mass is the middle of every object? Fascinating.

If the largest & heaviest part of the missile is the back half. Why would it be near the control fins or “rudders”?

This is not the middle of the object.And the point where the mass on the left balances the mass on the right

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If the largest & heaviest part of the missile is the back half. Why would it be near the control fins or “rudders”?

I made it easy, blue is left and red is right. The grey area in the middle is stated as the center of mass of the missile in the patent. Anything to the right or left of this point is 50% of the total mass. Hope it helps.

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Omg you actually think it’s right in the middle! Thats your K12 education speaking?

Neither of us said this. We shared an image from the patent that has it labeled and marked for you. I even separated the two halves on either side of the center of mass with handy color coding for you.

You stated the center of mass is where the actual wings are placed. Assuming you are still referencing to the tail section as “actual wings” even though they are but 4 of 12 airfoils on the missile body… then you’d still be wrong on all accounts.

He wasn’t responding to this particular portion of your quote;

Though, it isn’t “in” the motor, the largest and heaviest part IS the motor.

So to answer your question, the motor is the single largest and heaviest component. This wasn’t what he was pointing out to you, though. You stated the center of mass is where the “wings” were referencing the tail and the reality is that it is actually closer to the ‘rudders’ than the tail as I stated earlier.

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