How far back are you going? I don’t remember it ever being any different.
oh sorry i didn’t realize you were a new player.
yes, for years, nearly a full decade, when you bough a premium vehicle, the decals were just normal decals you apply to the vehicle.
unfortunately i don’t take many screenshots, as i didn’t know they’d fundamentally changed the customization mechanics of the game suddenly. but for example, here is the “T-34-85-E” with all the markings removed since thats how i played it.
also, when you used to purchase premium vehicles that had special markings, you got it as a decal you could apply to any vehicle. that is no longer the case. for some reason???
nobody will explain why they did this, or why they think its a good decision that it was done
um im far from new
i stopped playing for about 2ish years. maybe 3? so they changed it maybe in 2020. but from beta, before tanks were even in the game. when you bough ANY vehicle that had special markings, they were just decals attached to the vehicle that you could use on any other vehicle of the same faction.
i don’t remember any of that ingame but it could be they did it cause it made no sense to pay for something that you could basically get for free without decals and they made the decals permanent to make the vics more special
That went before my time, and I found that out by buying the German Churchill for the markings basically then finding you could not use the White cross on any other vehicles.
There are few premiums that actually have different markings. Most have none. The ones that often do are done because they are just premium copies of an existing tank. Such as the Polish Firefly ,7th Army Comet, Guards Achilles or Cobra King. The rare markings are the thing that make it attractive as a purchase really.
okay well i still don’t understand why, from a player OR business perspective, removing the option to let you choose if you want to have the markings or not have them is a good idea… nobody has told me why removing the option of choice is a good thing
okay, and its more special if you’re forced to have the vehicle look a certain way, as opposed to having the choice for it to look that way, or not?
its not like they added a new livery or something, all they did was FORCE you to have the decals on the vehicle, when before, you could have them. or NOT have them.
how does losing customization add anything to the game? everyone seems happy with the choice to force these decals on players, but nobody will explain to me how this improves the game.
they’ve removed a basic customization feature and everyone is happy about it. i don’t understand???
please explain
Cause when you buy the premiums its suppose to be special not something i can grind for if thats the case make the whole game a pay to play with no premiums its so the company makes money no point in putting a blank in premiums and tech tree if no money is spent
I was disappointed with the White German cross on the Churchill to be honest. That is why I wait for the sale and the huge discount.
You will benefit from using the premium of course.
i think you, like many people here are confused. i’m saying that you used to have the option to remove them, not that they didn’t have decals. they had the decals. you just had the option to NOT have them.
they’ve removed the basic functionality to choose to use them or not