Remove naplam from Floggers (Mig23s) and fishbeds (Mig21s)

Dear gaijin or whoever ever reads these, please remove Naplam from the Mig23s and mig21s specially the premiums as they plague air rb and ruin gameplay for dedicated cas / bomber aircraft its so annoying getting towards a base to bomb in the f111f for it to be taken by a mig23 or mig21, better yet remove naplam from premiums so dedicated cas / bombers aircraft can do what they designed to do and not some flogger that should be sky high doing bvr and intercepting like they where designed to do

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add more bases and give em more health

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Or they could remove naplam in general

Also why are you using an F-111F as a bomber? It’s best used as a fighter.

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Making bombing actually useful.

Napalm serves no purpose, beside fighter jets beeing able to destroy a base by themselves with minimal bomb load. Out of role. Either Napalm needs to be nerfed or removed. The amount of fire bombs needed to burn down a base is too low.

My Tornado needs 5x MK1000 bombs to kill a base, just as info.

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Maybe because it is STRIKE AIRCRAFT?
Which was originally developed for the USAF’s need to penetrate soviet air defence.

Of course, F-111C/F can act like fighters too, thanks to the TF-30 engine, Variable sweep wing, and 6x AIM-9L.

But really, this ‘new normal’ napalm meta feels insane.
MiG-23 bombs, While Tornado IDS, F-111, and Su-24 struggle for a dogfight against the infamous F-4S.


seperate bases for scumbag fighters, suffering strike aircraft and the depressed bombers and put rewards for napalm in the ground with rocket spam

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