Remove F-14B Loadout limitation

As hornet sting update was dropped , i noticed that both TT Fs14s can no longer use the
AIM-54s on the outter pylons + 4 sparrows under the fuselage . This change was made in order to make the F14s gameplay more reliastic by intergrating the Phoenix cooling system as it should be irl . However after doing some little research i found out that one of the major upgrades on C model of the AIM54 over the A is the newer internal cooling system , which made it doesn’t require the F14 onboard cooling supply , unlike the early A model which does .
Conclusion :
The loadout limitation shouldn’t affect the F14B as the AIM54C is its main BVR missile .
Only the A should have that .
Note that informations regarding what i mentioned doesn’t require an effort or time to check or find about , they’re available to the public , not classified so it doesn’t require adding some spicy documents to this topic xd .

Correct me if im wrong but I believe that the not requiring external coolant was on a modification of the aim54C not on the standard aim54C

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True ! I just checked about more details regarding what you said , and it the AIM54C ES which did have internal cooling system not the baseline model we currently have ingame . Thanks for correcting me .
F14B should keep the limitation
Maybe we will see that missile when the F14D will be added anyway

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Indeed, and hopefully we get an F14 with the aim7P, though I dont know if it ever used them