Remove Duplicates from SL Chests

Disclaimer first: this hasn’t happened to me personally so it’s not written through disgruntlement.

Question/Suggestion: Wouldn’t it be a better idea if the SL chests that were used only rolled vehicles the player did not already own? (This could also work for decals and decorations in the same system)

So, excluding the top prize, this time the IS-7 which would remain on it’s own, the other vehicles that share the same chance of showing would all be in a box (We would insert as many of these boxes as there are currently vehicles to not effect the overall odds). That box when rolled onto will not include vehicles the players already has ownership of and will use what ever method that is chosen (RNG?) to select a random vehicle from that selection.

The 1mil SL does not go far when you roll a vehicle you already have after sinking way more than that into the chests. You would have just wasted all your SL to roll a vehicle, which is already hard to do, to get something you already had and lose that chance of getting something new and unique to play with, putting you off wanting to do it again in the future and then making the event less popular over time. I know many in the group I manage that wont even take part in this anymore, and by extension the GE ones also.

This could also work to Gaijin’s benefit as it’s likely a number of these vehicles that are in coupon form would hit the market where people would be spending money to get hold of them. As we know not all vehicles are market vehicles so the market prices wouldn’t be massively affected, but likely balanced off by more stock and more sales taking place.

Let me know what you think below.

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EDIT What I hope to achieve is to get a fairer delivery system for those that have been playing the game the longest, spent the most time, and the most money on the game.

The current system benefits the newer player as they will likely not have any of the vehicles rolled, but the veteran loses out and only gets 1mil SL in return. A fairer system would allow all who roll a vehicle box to get something in return for their trade.

EDIT2 It has been pointed out to me that I did not word this how I meant to. I meant to mention there would be as many boxes as there are currently available vehicles in the chest to not mess with the overall odds. Added insert in (brackets).

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How would you alter the odds of getting a vehicle to keep the numbers the same?

Or would you bother - so a person would then have a much higher chance of getting one of few vehicles they are missing??

Ie if you have 0.01% chance of getting a vehicle, and you have 90% of the possible vehicles, then currently you have only a 0.001% chance of getting one you don’t have only 10% chance from the 0.01% chance.

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When spend 10s and 10s of millions of SL to roll a vehicle I already own and only get 1million SL in compensation, I feel cheated.

The coupon for that thing is 31 GJN, but noooo can’t have that.



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That is exactly what I would hope we could avoid. Chances of getting vehicles would be the same, as rolling the box, but at least you wouldn’t lose it out if you did roll it.

The current method kind of punishes those that have taken part in events and spent a lot of time collecting vehicles, by earning or purchasing.

I am not 100% sure, it could be they run a little under the amount of boxes as they do the vehicles used, but I am not entirely sure how their system chooses currently and how many times items are entered.

It would require knowing exactly how the current system chooses. Honestly, I think they would know the best way to implement and make sure the odds aren’t too high.

It’s not “compensation” - you haven’t actually lost anything to be compensated for, it is the alternative award

It was in the conditions stated at the beginning so get over yourself.

I also spent 10’s of millions and got 4 vehicles replaced by 1 million SL. Ironically I did get a sellable vehicle from a normal chest award from the game!! lol

What else were you going to spend you millions of SL on?

True, it is very much an alternative award. The removal of that is what we really want as it punishes those that have many of these vehicle who have dedicated a lot of time and money towards this game.

Let’s all be nice here, no need to tell people to get over themselves it’s a safe space for everyone to give their thoughts and opinions.

The fact that it didn’t happen to me is exactly why I wanted to post this, as I know others will get heated over the subject and over each others feeling towards it.

I also agree with the spending millions of SL as someone who collects close to 10mil between crate drops. I still use my SL on it every time.