British contemporary gun ‘75mm QF Mk. V’ which uses the same American ammunitions.
Agree that without APDS is better for 4.7BR deck
Having APDS will cause BR increase just like Sherman III’s useless APCR did.
But Gaijin should’ve been given British-main the option to choose.
76mm Shot SV Mk.1 is one of the iconic ammunition for 17pdr.
It is quite a shame that Brits have no other option but to grind the Italian branch for using APDS on Firefly to hunt German beasts down.
Foldered ‘Sherman Firefly(Late.)’ can be a solution maybe?
I can do the same, if not better with the APHE on the gepard based Spaa than with the APDS tbh, the post pen damage when going through hatches and sides is far greater and you instantly kill light tanks, plus you get to spray at targets to find a weakspot in a hurry.
So to get rid of APDS would be to decrease the BRs of my favourite spaag so I’m all for it (besides the falcon which is unique in its requirement for apds)
SPAA shoud simply not drive around fighting tanks.
And whole “if no apds then br go down” argument is just a strawman argument.
You are SPAA, you fight planes. What you do against tanks have nothing to do with your anti air capabilities.
Well they can add a second edition of every spaa in game just without radar, because I do not want to sacrifice the most fun playstyle in game because people are whining about it
in my opinion the APHE is by far a bigger problem because it often ignores amor, for example i got killed in the Object 279 through my front plate from a gepard. and i often saw m247 killing t 80 through the front. Or when i drive the Marksman its rediculous how many tanks i can shred out of any angle. If it would only be possible with the 40 shells APDS it would be okay but its possible with the whole ammo belt. and the falcon is a nother problem it is awsome in destroying Air and ground but due to the apds it is driven as a MBT → that shouldnt be rewarded that much
Falcon AT ability is only slightly better than Gepards, it has other qualities like being smaller and having 1/4 bullet being APDS that make it more successful as a tank hunter, but quickly offset by the fact that it has shitty zoom level and being extremely slow to get into position. The AA ability can’t match any of the SPAA in its respective br, I reckon it probably take thousand of matches to become decent at AA, where anyone can hope into a radar and click on there indicator.
Remove APHE from ZSU-57 - Its an AA shouldnt have an anti vehicle round
Increase BR for Soviet SPAA with Radars.
Remove AP rounds from the Soviet SPAA and that Stupid Czech SPAA.
Reduce penetration of Pantsir missiles to ground targets
Every SPAA has an AP round you either remove all of them or none of them.
I know it’s roungh but it shreds tanks with side shots and some front shots. I have no issues with SPAA having anti vehicle capabilities
Gepard has been udnertiered for years, it’s always been the deadliest SPAAG has great chassis and good fire power and great rate of fire. Gepard should be higher.
After the gun handling nerf it’s even worse.
It has pitiful zoom and recoil is pretty big, so spamming at targets that aren’t at point blank might be difficult.