Removal of F-15A SRC Look-Up Mode

Older Radar Modes (retrieved from Tim’s Variety guide, 15 Dec 2023):

Current Radar Modes (retrieved from in-game screenshot, 09 March 2025):

It seems that at some point, the regular Look-up SRC search mode was removed from the AN/APG-63, and I’d like to know roughly when it happened and perhaps why? was it somehow never on the Eagle?

How does it affect combat performance since there’s no longer a mode-switch to regular SRC if someone turns into the notch? I’ve been having some trouble with the F-14A’s AWG-9 and wondered if the F-15A would be any better. Typically CW SARH missiles can maintain a brief window of lock even with chaffing off-target, but will that still apply here without an SRC mode in the notch?

(apologies in advance if I’m a little inexperienced and sound dumb)

Cause it wasn’t a mode on the real thing, it’s also a worse mode than the thing that replaced it.


In what sense, to some degree the issue is that the Generic names that Gaijin use don’t line up with any particular mode(s) that a specific radar should have.

For example the “Pre-PSP” APG-63 should have (as per ADA142071):

  • Velocity-Search.
  • Long-Range Search
  • Short-Range Search
  • Pulse-Search
  • Auto-Gun
  • Super-Search
  • Vertical-Scan
  • Bore-Sight