Regional Pricing Trouble

I’ve been trying to buy some GE and i’m encountering some trouble. Whenever i’m on browser not logged in, or in game, it shows items in my local currency (BRL) and the fair regional pricing.

Whenever, when I log in, it goes into USD pricing on the web. Ingame, when i try to pay through steam It goes to my local currency but it’s just a USD conversion, so still way more expensive.

My account has always had Brazil as place of residence, and i’ve always bought items from steam with regional pricing no issue.

Imagining this issue is something wrong with my account itself, is there anything to do in order to fix this? Already tried clearing my browser cache.

It’s a issue you can solve with 1-2 days, clearing Browser’s chase won’t help and I don’t think it’s a account issue.

You should go into the support, since it [the described issue] doesn’t have a proper article about, create a ticket regarding this problem, then wait.

They may ask if you’re using VPN or those sort of things, just reply negatively and then, they may help you with that.

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