Regional pricing for everybody?

So there is no server required if you play the vehicle?
When I look at premium BR games, they are full of premium vehicles. So the servers do basically run for the premium vehicles, at least in the observed ranges.

Yes, so make the premium more accesible so they can get about 20% more profit with a more stable earning period instead of 1 month after release & Sale period into every month

In Latin America we still don’t have our own server, so… why should we pay the same amount as countries that have their own server?

There are hundreds of countries that do not have their own servers and that play with 100, 200, 300 or more ping and have to pay to maintain the servers of a few that obtain the benefit. It doesn’t seem like a fair deal to us.

I do often play with a ping between 100 and 200 and it does seem like a fair deal to me. If it doesn’t seem like a fair deal to you, there is an obvious consequence you may resort to.

If you don’t think it’s fair that we ask for fair treatment, you could avoid commenting here. That’s what this thread is about.

Well, if you have a fair deal, then I don’t understand why this thread is there in the first place?