Regarding the Panzergrau paint

Everybody knows German tanks were painted gray during the initial and middle stages of WW2, a colour known as “Panzergrau” or “Dunkelgrau” (used along Dunkelbraun in early and simple deforming camouflages).

Now, everybody also knows that paint varies from a unit to another due to factors like the manufacturer being different, weathering, etc, so what was seen in real life wasn’t monotonous, obviously. On the other hand though this is different to getting the colour completely wrong from the beginning, and that is the case of War Thunder.

The simple issue here is that the supposed Panzergrau shown in game is way too bright, and the simple solution would be to just make it darker, for historical accuracy purposes. Here are a few pictures and a chart that I found here:




As a side note I’m aware the tint of photographs that persists after colouring them does change how we perceive the paint, and weathered vehicles also mess this up. Still, even in white & black pictures you can notice how the paint feels quite dark.

That’d be all, any feedback would be appreciated


Would be so cool to see a black painted Pz. III. I suggest you creating a bug report, I would support.


Well not certainly black, but a darker bluish-gray for sure. I bet this was reported years ago but no solution was reached.

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Welp, looks like this didn’t attract much attention. Either way I’ve looked deeper into this issue and apparently developers mentioned a darker dunkelgrau would give advantage to German vehicles, so they made it lighter.

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This is really funny considering you can 1) put a huge black decal on any tank, and 2) Black Night challenger exists

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