You hit the nail, that’s exactly what i want
try playing a strike aircraft then, ground targets and bases being your main objective.
For example the A-7D or the SU-17M2.
Depends. Id much much rather have cohesive gameplay as it stands.
And i myself know im getting far less kills NOW than i was before because now the mass chaos has taken away from the skill aspect of the game and in a way made it far more RNG.
That moment when over 60% of participants want 8v8 and 88% want a reduction in player size of some kind and yet you do nothing because you’re gaijin and only listen to player feedback whenever they review bomb you and threaten to stop spending money.
Whoever is making the decisions at Gaijin really needs to be fired from the gaming industry as a whole.
Don’t worry, at least props have 6v6 matches even though no one asked for it.
Give us ground RB like spawn points, and the games won’t be so boring. On the big maps, this would make more sense. Multirole will have a reason to look for ground targets, jets will have valid reasons to attack npc’s. Also, please make it selectable, so I can prioritize the big maps.
Yea, with 4 Ju288’s leading the charge
In the off chance that anyone who does work at gaijin and is seeking player feedback finds this,
there are now 2 posts on the front of the warthunder reddit both asking for something to change because of how unbearable 16v16 top tier is with tons of upvotes and feedback.
Edit: Make it 6 lmao.
For real! less players would improve both BVR and dogfights
Another possibility is to add multiple airfields (like in SIM battles)
Without letting the players choose in which one respawn, so players would not be all together, like fighting in small groups
If you look at real life examples, most air battles included at most 5ish aircraft on average and not more.
Even a reduction to 8v8 would still be somewhat unrealistic, but its defo more manageable and would be way more fun than 16v16.
If you want to experience your “120v120” go play arcade. Thats what its there for. Chaos, Furballs, Cluster****s.
It is called Air Realistic for a reason… To have a semi-realistic experience, but Gaijin has turned it into a glorified arcade mode.
Here’s a little scenario which is impossible at 16 v 16 furballs, F15 vs SU 27 they start at BVR ranges, f15 goes high gaining altitude because the player knows that the f15 excels greatly at BVR, now SU27 player can also climb for that BVR fight but comparatively its not as good as the 15 is so what does the su 27 pilot do, he switches his radar off and goes low through the valleys under mountains where the f15 radar cannot ping him, su 27 flanks and merges and now the su 27 engages a dogfight, WHERE it excels at. the rest is all player skill. it’s these kinda engagements that you see in DCS and is also somewhat how real engagements occur in real life. Engagements like this become much more of a possibility only when there are fewer players and not only that but when those players get spaced out a bit
Why i’m not at all surprised…?
I don’t see the negatives here for Gaijin either. You could say they want to frustrate you into GE’ing stock vehicles for example. But that doesn’t make any sense.
When I unlocked my J-11 and stock grinded it, I got frustrated yes, but my last thought ever was to actually spend money to GE it, because I know that even if I GE it will be the same s***fest.
It frustrates you into not wanting to play at all, at least for me.
i concur.
im just getting the modules for the J11 to be able to properly use it in SIM because air RB is a crapfest right now. I’d rather play arcade at this point
Thats why I slapped talisman on every new top tier jet since Sky Guardians (16v16) introduction, saves lot more time and nerves to spade vehicles and Ace crews, not to mention that up until recent rp changes you had to research nearly 500k rp to spade top of the line vehicles which was painfull even with talismans.
“If you want realism go play arcade.”
I play realistic battles explicitly because it’s not Counterstrike anymore.
It’s why people avoid BR 5.7 in air, because the matches are too small.
Dogfights are rare in air RB.
Also right now there is 1 player per 512 square km in War Thunder, as the maps are 16,384 square km large.
I would love to see enduring conflict with Airrb controls but it needs to be 8v8 with a .7 br spread
I really liked the air sim EC game mode but I find War Thunder is not as friendly to HOTAS control as DCS. If we can have a dedicated RB mode with the big ass EC maps and dynamic objectives with either one or mutiple spawn would be nice.
I agree, I feel a lot of people can’t handle top-tier and complain and nag about it. they want their own precious boom and zoom meta so they can safely launch their R27s, get kills, and brag about how good they are.
Unskilled and boring af 6v6 and 8v8 will kill war thunder in no time.
The current gamemode in Air RB demands no skill, the outcomes of all engagements are purely random, there’s zero skill expression