Recruiting Participants: Air RB Ace Combat-themed event! [August 17th &18th]

Howdy everyone!
My Squadron is once again recruiting participants for our Ace Combat-themed Air RB event of the year, “The March Eastward,” set during the 1970s in the Belkan Federation, when it went to war with its eastern territory, Recta, to prevent their secession.

This will feature both fixed-wing aircraft and helicopters, and will provide a nice change of pace from the chaotic melee of higher BR jet combat. The allowed aircraft for this event are older 3rd Gen jets, so break out your MiG-21s, F-4s, F-104s and so on, along with a variety of other fighter and strike aircraft!

If you want in, just DM me and I’ll invite you to our Discord server, where we can get you set up monitoring the development of the event, the rules and regs, and the lore surrounding Belka’s conflict with Recta. I’m even creating custom skins for folks to use during the event!

The event will take place August 17th and 18th, and you are welcome to participate on either or both days- we hope people can make the time to run both days, so they can experience both sides of the scenario. Start time is TBD, but will likely be during the day to help out our friends over in Europe, as we are a multinational group.

Hope to see you in the skies!