Recategorize ZSL-92, AMX-10P, Pbv 301 and Sd.Kfz.222 to light tank

In real life these vehicles are NOT SPAAs, rather they are other vehicles with anti air capabilities;
The ZSL-92 is an APC, the AMX-10P an IFV, the Pbv301 also an IFV and the Sd.Kfz.222 a light tank.
Now, this is important because only light tanks have scouting abilities and this means that the ZSL-92, AMX-10P and Pbv-301 can scout which allows them to put their speed into actual pratical use(at least for the ZSL-92).
Additionally I just would rather prefer that the vehicles be categorized accurately to their role in real life and how players use them in game. For example, i have destroyed more tanks than planes with the ZSL-92 so far


Some SPAAs and TDs will have scouting abilities.


agree, lately I’ve been taking the ZSL 92 to 8.0 and it performs great to deal with the XM800T, Turm III and Fox spam, but because is a SPAAG you cannont scout which is already a downside is stupid that this thing is intended to fight planes in game when in real life is an IFV and is missing the ammo meant for that

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Dude don’t put ZSL 92 to a higher BR, it deserves to be lower
however yeah make it a light tank