realShatter should be changed

I’m kinda bored so I’m just starting this discussion.

Just have a look at what happened here:


A 12.7mm explosive rounds hits the bottom wing of a Bi-Plane.

Now the result can be quite random from here.

  1. The bottom wings take damage from the realShatter damage, turning them black.
  2. Somehow fragments find their way in the opposite direction of the flight path, also turnign the top wing black.
  3. A random fragment can injure the pilot the same way as a direct hit from a 7.7mm AP round
  4. No damage on direct impact with the bottom wing, because all fragments spawn in another direction. Blast damage doesn’t exist.

Not only is the result completely random, the damage is completely over the top.
The damage inflicted is the same way as APHE rounds are currently overperforming, creating a damage sphere that damages components all around it, except that realShatter just reduced the number of fragments, thus making every hit a gamble on the damage inflicted.

Unless a shell is statically detonated, few fragments will be able to overcome the forward momentum of the shell.
Something that realShatter doesn’t take into account, nor the kinetic energy based on the shells velocity.

Fragmentation pattern example

realShatter in it’s current implementation is the developers excuse for short kill times.
Instead of implementing proper damage of shells (Both kinetic and chemical) against components, 50-100% HE rounds make every gun behave like a hard hitting cannon, even when the damage to a planes structure should mainly come from the explosive force of the shell, and not the fragments.


.50 Cal rounds don’t use RealShatter.

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As far as I know, current 50cals doesn’t have realshatter but, I agree it is pretty cracked especially M3.

It does infact use realShatter.
(Community Bug Reporting System)

Otherwise the damage would look like that:

No realShatter: Spherical fragmentation, low damage per fragment (12.7mm IAI ground HMG)
With realShatter: Random fragmentation cones, very high damage per fragment (12.7mm IAI air HMG)

It is M3 50cals but, you can see userealshatter is missing.


Yeah, so what? What does that have to do with me not using the M3 12.7mm in that example or with realShatter in general?

The US 12.7mm M2 or M3 doesn’t even have explosive shells modeled, so obviously it doesn’t have realShatter, since only explosive shells have realShatter in WT.

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My point is current 50cals issues are may be triggered by another reason.

The penetrating has changed somewhat over the past few years, but overall it is not that different from when it was somehow omega buffed around 2017.

It is ridiculous to lose half of the wing with one burst or both stabilizers and tail controls at the same time.

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realShatter has nothing to do with explosives. It’s a fragmentation technology, which is really accurate.
Your issue isn’t with realShatter.

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Tbh thats more gaijin’s damage modeling for the likes of airframes being really limited. You can have dinky 7.7mm rounds tear off entire wings if you hit the spar right.

It was a running meme for the longest time that any hits to a B-17’s tail had a 50% chance to just shear off the entire thing for no reason, regardless of the caliber.


That quite literally says it DOESN’T use realshatter…

Probably, there may not be a guns in this game that is working as well as irl lmao.

Even MiG Guns (NR-23/N-37D) and German 20mm/30mm cannons have been very inconsistent in damage in recent years.

At the very least, if some shots hit the fuel tank, the entire aircraft should blow up, but that does not currently happen in the game.

Cannons in general have been a sine wave in effectiveness across WT’s history. Going from great to useless, to doom machines to hisparkos, to the current, semi weird in-between for most cannons we have now.

.50s used to be largely useless as well bar the API-T belts which just set everyone on fire just by being in their proximity, then they changed their pen abilities and the fire chance, then sorta just forgot they existed for the most part.

Same could be said of most MGs really, cannons constantly get changes it feels like, while most MGs usually get one pass and then remain the way they are for most of their lives.

I just remembered when Shvak 20mm was complently useless back then xD

However, current russian 20mm is one of god tier guns now.

Funny. Might want to explain how realShatter works and whats so accurate about it that it can literally deal no damage on impact to a wing?

I made the report. Can you read? Where does it say that Italian 12.7mm HEF bullets don’t use realShatter?

realShatter is a fragmentation simulation developed by a third party.
It simulates shell fragmentation against non-armored bodies of cannon-sized anti-air guns.
It’s exclusively fragmentation, and it’s exclusively on nearly all [if not all] 20mm sized guns, and all guns larger than 20mm on aircraft.
HE filler isn’t realShatter, neither is incendiary.

All weapons below 20mm don’t use realShatter, and are more reliant on incendiary and HE filler.

There WAS [meaning it doesn’t exist anymore] a bug where the fragmentation would start from inside the projectile before it despawned, but that was fixed in a few weeks after realShatter was first introduced.
There are no known bugs with realShatter at the time of this topic. Fragmentation is working.

As for wing, fragments primarily deal damage to systems and pilot, not necessarily the hitpoints of body parts. HE and fire by volume matters more for hitpoint damage.

realShatter is as much as simulation as the random fragment dispersion from armor spalling.
It’s based on code and RNG.
But realShatter fragmetns literally defy physics.
The only thing that is happening that random fragments are dispersed, without any consideration of the actual shells velocity.

And what’s that non sense about being developed by a third party.
How would you know that it was developed by some third party? Where’s your proof?
Gaijin never talked publicly about the implementation of realShatter in the first place.
It was simply implemented and then people noticed how damage changed.

Again, complete non sense.


Going forward it would be best to leave all personal arguments in PM. Lets leave this thread on topic.