Iam very Happy that the RCV found its way to ouer Ranks and from the First looks it will be a solid vehicle to replace ouer trusted Typ 89.
The first thing i tryed on the dev was of course its “Elektro Optical Sight” on its back or as i like to call it, THE Stalking Pole :).
But to my displeassure this is what i got:
Yeah, pretty sad in my opinion that it just goes this high and not like on the following picture
It should be able to extend more then double the high then it can go now.
Also i would propose the we should be able to adjust the hight of the Pole manually since it can extend so much, rather then the “Hight 0 and Hight 1 option” like we have now for similiar Commander sights like on the Object 775 or the STRV 122s.
Since they cant extend as much it wasnt really needed but with the RCV coming i feel like this should be possible.
For that we could have an extra window in the option like these
when we click at the “switch Radar, IRST on/off” option or have a new keybind for it.
It could be called “Manually Raising/Lowering of commander sight” or something on these line.
It should work similiar to the Hydraulic suspension raising/lowering but just for the Pole instead.
The most work would be to create the proper model for the fully extended Pole i guess, since the code should be very similiar to the Hydraulic Suspension.
Also what name would you prefer?
(with option 2 and 3 i would sugest that we just see RCV or RCV (P) in the kill chat)
Last thing i noticed is the slow Turret Rotation and the even slower Vertical speed but its still the first Dev server so “Subject to change” like they say.
They just feel to slow for such a modern vehicle.
And whoever knows how to submit Bugs, here is one regarding the Pole.
(EDIT: RCV P CITV stationary tube moves. [Bug] // Gaijin.net // Issues Bug already reportet)
RCV is the proper Japanese designation though, lmao.
Just like how the Swedish literally just call their tanks, tanks.
although the RCV has a specific “type-“ name to the year it was produced, they are commonly referred to as the RCV, because these:
Are referred to as the Type 87 (due to the production year) which is a common issue in Japanese tech, which are given extra identifiers, like RCV and Spaag.
Yes, but I meant generally, the Japanese RCV is a Stridsfordon, and the Japanese Type-74 is a stridsvagn. It’s just a designation term, but yes, I am aware of the numerous Swedish designations. (I used only STRV for easier understanding, also stridsvagn in English is just tank :P)
I just gave the people a few Name suggestions to chose from to see what they would prefer.
And Gaijin is also wonky with the proper Names sometimes (me looking at chinese Tank designations who are all over the place XD)
In the end they decide how they want it, unless they are proven wrong with secrit Dokumentz.
The Japanese Ministry of Defense calls this vehicle “共通戦術装輪車 偵察戦闘型/Common Tactical Wheeled Vehicle Reconnaissance Combat Type,” which can be confirmed in the budget requests released this year. 「防衛力抜本的強化の進捗と予算-令和7年度概算要求の概要-(要約版)
However, there is no official name (Type) at this time, and the name CTWV RCV(P) would be most appropriate, as the vehicle currently implemented is the specification before the satellite communication antenna in the rear of the vehicle body was updated.
I’m using machine translation, so the English may be incorrect.
@Smin1080p_WT by any chance, will RCV (P) come to the live server as 9.3 vehicle? What I mean there’s only one vehicle in 9.7, the Type 16, production series, to play along.
I think 9.3 is more suitable, considering that Japan has more options of vehicles in 9.3.
It’s just shortned. Imagine you joining a match and every time you open the leaderboard/player list you see a Tank, Combat, Full tracked, 105-mm Gun, M1 or a Flugabwehrraketensystem Roland auf Radkraftfahrzeug.