Greeting everyone.
Recently I have confired that videos showing missile behavior in flight are still not accepted as proof. That is why I decided to make this topic.
It’s purpose is to show how IRL Rapier flight behavior differs from the one in game.
Currently Rapier missile is lagging behind the crosshair afer every move, be it big or small, and considering how missile are modeled in game, they are going to stay like this.
That is why I decided to show a few videos here. These videos are very early, showing things like first ever Rapier launch, early tests and even showcase of a very early vehicle, showing how Traced Rapier will look like.
Due to their age, all of the missiles presented in the videos are Mk.1, meaning that they lacked any type of proximity fuzing, forcing them to be pin point accurate, in order to penetrate the target and do any damage, as even a slight diviation would cause the missile to miss, and do no damage at all.
This video shows the presentation of what Tracked Rapier will come to be, Shooting part takes place at 0:40
On this site, there are 6 videos in total, they can be selected while scrolling down and pressing their corresponding icon
Video 1 shows first ever firing of the Rapier against aircraft target.
Video 2 is a compilation of faulty rockets, doing wierd things, like for example generating too much smoke, spinning uncontrollably or simply wobbling after having a good drink last night.
Video 3 shows deployment of the Rapier system, and starts series of trial videos, showing how missile intercepted targets.
VIdeos 4 and 5 show the rest of firing trials, each one giving a clear view on stunning missile accuracy.
Video 6 shows one of the earliest Rapier systems, while it is still in development.
Hope at least someone enjoyed the show, and maybe, just maybe Gaijin will change the missile behavior in the future. That will be, ofc, unrelated to this thread, afterall videos are not proof ;)