Ranked mode in WarThunder

Need an explanation? Another topic, that asks for the tank only mode. No cas = hulldown campers. Thank you for your attention.


Just be careful

Points: the winning team receives points based on their performance, the worst player loses points, and in the losing team only the best player gets points (the rest of the team loses pts)

Total camp and snipe mode, because people don’t care about the team, they only try to be on the top of the list and rise in the ranking.

U know tanks were made for hulldown yea?

I still dont see any, I just see skill issue

totally bro theres absolutley no vehicles with well earned reputations of being overpowered here

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The ranked mode create a very very frustrated community in game.
The most likeable “feature” in WT is a not toxic in game chats.
I played a lot LOL where the ranked games were the most unfun gamemode, because everyone take it so seriously. Supertoxic “conversations” and hatespeech in every match after 1 bad move.
In World of Tanks everyone played only for the WN ratings.
This community is way more better than other games and ranked games kill this

We need more gamemodes, but not ranked

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I could see ranked mode working for AIR BATTLES, ground less so.

1 vs 1 duels (mirror match, assymetric).

Would need 6 matchmakers unfortunately (mirror AB, assym AB, mirror RB, assym RB, mirror SB, assym SB)

Maybe it could have a set of pre-determined vehicles for 1vs1 duels for 3 brackets (propeller, gunfighter jet, dogfight missile jet) that rotates weekly in the 3 brackets to try and simplify queue times.

Like, this week it’s Bf109f4, mig-15bis, f5e. Next week it’s f4u-4, me262(one of them), mig-21sth and so forth.

Then for assymetric we go tight BR bracket. Like “This week props are 3.3-3.7” and rotate to 3.7-4.0 and so forth. Give you spitfire vs bf109 duels and whatnot.

U know it wouldnt be mandatory playing ranked only optional to those who are bored by casual games

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Bruh, should’ve done a suggestion for it.

I made but was rejected for being “too basic” so I did it as general to see opinions

I like how my reply “because I took the time to type out no” was flagged lmao

I would love it, instead of seeing people fighting to steal a kill in every game, seeing people play as teammates wouldn’t be bad, trying to bring out their skills instead of bombing bases with a F-5C

WT is basically just a plain (vehicle based) shooter - the only reason to play a shooter is to get kills.

Therefore: War Thunder is already a competitive game; that’s the reason for leaderboards and various rankings like WR, KpB, positioning etc.

The pure fact that the majority plays not for fun as they feel the urgent need to unlock the next vehicle they can’t handle (with a “Whatever it takes” approach) is the root cause for these chaotic matches and the rather desolate condition regarding game play.

It boils down that 70-90% (my estimation, varies during daytime) of the players don’t care about results and play “Live.Die.Repeat” in infinite loops.

Comprehensible that you received a negative feedback. “Too basic” looks rather polite.

I mean if you want to convince gaijin to even think about any efforts to add something to the game your sales pitch has to contain:

  1. Benefits for gaijin. Monetary or increased player commitment / retention.
  2. Benefits for players. Increase of immersion, challenge & economy.

They are already implemented. Read the stuff provided by @ApodyktycznyCham - the problem is most players are not aware of it and the player ranking by gaijin has massive weaknesses.

Last remark:

Use the forum search for SBMM - you will find 3 types of feedback:

  1. Hell no!
  2. Hell no!
  3. Hell no!

The problem is that SBMM has a rather bad rep (from other games) and everybody has a different understanding what it means and how it would affect them.

The majority of players wants to grind or farm noobs - thar’s why everything similar to SBMM or “Ranked matches” is not appreciated.

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We can have more of those duel events but our gamemodes are tooooo broken to have ranked games elsewhere

  1. Team balance…
    If someone does not want to be in the top ranks you could play in the medium ones where 1dl is low and people have similar skill and just want to chill out and premium vehicles are not OP in any way lol

  2. People WILL play SPAA because just a bit lower then top tier it is profitable and easy kills…

  3. Don’t tell me what nation to play i want to play usa i will play usa…

    Like really? Ground RB not ranked nothing changes from how it is now…
    why not just add the ranked? would it affect you? nope dont want to play it fine but dont ruin the game for others by saying no cuz you just say no

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True. It also doesnt help that war thunder has too many options and variables. Other games have maybe 12-20 characters that can all fight each other while war thunder has “a bit more” than that which only fight a very small portion.

Because adding random additional modes is not always a good idea. If they added modes that others want, we would have way too many modes. Stuff like “no ARH mode”, “no SARH mode”, “no missile mode” ect.

I also just do not see the benefit in adding a mode that will give another number for players to rub in people’s faces or use to shut others down.

I think the cons outweigh the pros.

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Well but a ranked mode is not an “additional” mode like no ARH mode etc… most games have it implemented for a reason…

  1. rub into faces? you have the chat disabled or what?
    shut other down? how???

If you are less skilled but dont leave the games after 1 death you would be lets say on rank 5 out of 10 chill gaming without cons of ground RB being toxic would be on same lvl as ground rb or even less since there would be less braindead people going strictly for kills

while on higher lvl of competitive well… if you sweating so is the enemy so you just have to cope with being toxic or receiving end of it… you could also disable the chat since you have a minimap and spotting mechanics which on top lvl would be used 100%

If you don’t want to get all you have mentioned stay playing in ground rb but for someone who wants a little but of competitive gaming without sweating and not being pissed about players who 1dl or are just braindead i would like to play the ranked ones…

After a hard day of working with other people (trust me aint fun) risking my life i just wan’t to de stress and play a game I like but I can’t since I can say majority of players in the mixed rb ground are just 1 braincell more then a hamster…

I think the 150+ for the two most popular esport games (Dota 2, LoL) each shows you can handle large rosters.

However, we’d need a very different match system to make team games work (role queue) and more interesting objectives than TDM.

TDM means duelling is a far better option for air, for ground idk what would work - Best of 3 dynamic map progression akin to Break/Assault/whatever?