ive done so many kills on harriers etc. with f-86’s i wounder why my a4-b wont do the same, my new jet is so awsome to me and i can’t even squeeze a kill in because my ammunition is so short , but yet hits harder so im skeptical on my research with my harrier because it only comes with 200 rounds of ammo to level etc x2 , ty for reading please comment if you can i acccept any type of comments.
If you are asking about whether av8c is good, it is pretty good with AIM-9G and flares and very powerful 30mm guns
the 30mm ADEN on the Harriers hits like a truck but is hard to aim.
But as an overall platform, the Harrier is underperforming quite a bit
@ morvran_ thank you for your reply i appreciate your couterious comment hit me up in game add me if you want
btw i notice the harrier’s upgrade stat qualifcation is high priced , makes sense.
I only have the FRS.1 and the GR.3 BUT they are very good aircraft, though I find the AIM-9G on the GR.3 to be my main source of kills. It’s very enjoyable but had a tough stock grind. You CAN get kills with the ADENs but it is difficult to learn the placement.
im trying now to figure out, how to upgrade my f-4jb because my missles are so going the wrong direction. hopefully i can manage crew , plus some other research to get it going.
Thats aim9B’s for ya useless but somewhat handy.
it’s almost like without a hud in the jet, the enemy (opponent); needs to be right infront of you. It seems like the missle lock is unguided , but iv’e gotten hits at least!