Rank 2 ground completed

update to my previous post


no premium time, no premium vehicles, no nothing, any thougths, tips or anything else?

im gonna do air ranks 1-2 now

What was your method, did you have a particular strategy and do you have any insights?

What was it like?

play. but really i just kinda did play, i ulocked a setup or vehicle i liked and played that until the end, not really that bad but really tedious when it comes to getting out of low tier

Have a cookie!
Now spade them all.

Also not as efficient as could be given the way Gaijin gives “research bonuses” for unlocking “modifications” and for the next vehicle in line.
But if you actually enjoy it and you “Git Gud” with them…

yay cookie

do these “research bonuses” work for air too? how does it work
the difference i felt when i played sweeden or france compared to say germany or the us is astonishing, i’ve played since the middle of the year and have gotten so gud i feel fulfilled whit myself, im not a god but 9 kill games are not as few and far between as they where before

“spade them all”

Yes it works the same for all the trees.

Tier I and II are WT’s “easy mode”. The screws tighten as you go up.

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Researching all the modifications in a row will provide a RP bonus to the next vehicle that you are researching. Its pretty sizeable and definitely adds up as you spade vehicles. It will only work for vehicles of the same type though, like plane->plane and tank->tank

Starting from scratch and doing this without premium earned me a lot of respect keep it up but don’t lose your mind good friend haha 🙏🏻

Spade it all

how bout u spade sum bitches


says the Warthunder player

Me too. I have been doing all tanks, all ranks, all nationalities, and researching all mods for a few years now. I’ve completed all vehicles for every nationality up to around around battle rating 5.7 -6.0. No premium account, no plus up crews with golden eagles, no purchases on anything, no skipping bad vehicles, no skipping research levels, no premium vehicles, no purchased talismans.

So I have been playing with often extremely disadvantaged vehicles (not fully researched), with un-impressive crews, and no purchased advantages. You LOSE a lot operating in this mode because in EVERY GAME you are competing in one of the weakest vehicles / crew parings on the map. As soon as all mods are researched and you reach parity, I go to the next higher vehicle and jump into it. Back to the disadvantaged grind.

To make a 3 vehicle set, the other two tanks are sometimes fully researched but are usually one or two levels lower than the one tank I am researching up. That helps with not getting too badly up-tiered too often. Example, working on a 6.0, supported by two 5.7’s fully researched.

I am glad to see someone else approaching the game in the most challenging way.

progress update:

It looks quite fun! Keep it up!

get ready for the wall you’ll be stuck on tier 3 / 4 for about a year