Rangefinder accuracy on Nurmburg, Koln, Liepsig and Karlshure

In the hanger when looking at the rangefinders for the 15cm guns the highest possible accuracy on the description is 85%. Is this correct? Most other ships when fully maxed with ace crew show 100%.

I have ace crew and fully upgraded ships so I expected the accuracy to be higher. It may just be a typo as in game battles the rangefinder is just as accurate as any other ship I use.

Yeah probably just a typo, I have a question though. What do you think is the worst and best reserve bluewater ship?

Might as well be not a typo, in the old forum there was a thread regarding gun accuracy and basically put if the gun is enclosed it has 100% accuracy, if not it has 85% or lower. The following threads explain its quite simply:

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