Rafale should have 8xMICAs

Since all issues about Rafale’s loadout(of MICA) has been rejected by gaijin, I decided to post this topic, in case to collect most of the similar information both on gaijin community(where you post issues) and gaijin forum.
First of all, as a type of weapon which is in service right now, it’s clear that Rafale’s OEM Manual is nowhere to be found. On the other hand, if someone did post it’s OEM Manual, it’ll still not be accepted by Gaijin for the reason ‘we don’t take classified materials’. So what I’m gonna to do is to collect photos that shows Rafale’s missile loadout.

Also, such pictures will not be accepted as they’re neither from Dassault or French Gov.


Both are Rafale M models taken at Paris, the first is taken in 2009 and the second in 2011. It’s also easy to tell them from Rafale F2s for both of them carries Meteor, and the second carries Exocet. While according to Dassault, Exocet is added only in F3 and later versions: ‘Standard F3 is the current release. It was qualified by the French MoD in 2008. It adds air reconnaissance with the AREOS recce pod, anti-ship with the AM39 EXOCET (implemented in Rafale B, C, and M), and the nuclear capability with the ASMPA. The first Rafale F3 was delivered to the French Air Force Operational Evaluation Centre (CEAM) in mid-2008 at Mont-de- Marsan Air Base, in full accordance with the contracted delivery schedule.’


The SMS page, if you zoom it up, it looks like this:
See the blue circles? Each of them shows a station, including air intake stations for pods and wingtip stations(sadly its resolution is not enough, but it’s shown in the next photo).Clearly there’re two stations besides the AASM pylon. This picture is published in 2017.

There’s also a similar photo, showing pylons, which coincides with most pictures showing Rafale’s loadout.


Although community managers quoted from this website: https://www.defense.gouv.fr/air/actualites/siae-zoom-rafale-au-standard-f4, trying to prove that only Rafale F4s can carry 8xMICA,

according to Dassault however, the F4 upgrade doesn’t include adding stations for missiles:’ the Rafale is slated to become the sole type of combat aircraft operated by the French Air and Space Force and French Navy. Everything that is necessary to maintain its combat relevance will be undertaken.
The policy underpinning the Rafale program is continuous development to adapt the aircraft to changing needs, through a succession of standards. In early 2019, the French Ministry of Defence announced the signature of the development contract of the new Rafale F4 standard. It is part of the on-going process to continuously improve the aircraft in line with operational requirements.
In March 2023, the F4.1 Standard was qualified by the DGA, the French defence procurement agency. It encompasses the adoption of the following equipment and weapons onto the Rafale:

  • for the Front Sector Optronics, a new IRST that will advantageously supplement the Rafale’s existing sensor suite, providing improved day/night passive target detection and identification capabilities against low signature aircraft through the infrared spectrum.
  • for the RBE2 AESA radar, new Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and Ground Mobile Target Indication and Tracking (GMTI/T) modes. These improvements significantly enhance the Rafale’s ability to produce, in all weathers, high resolution radar imagery at very long range and to detect and track ground targets.
  • new collaborative modes to increase the Rafale’s detection, tracking and firing capabilities, thus significantly increasing again the lethality of the fighter.
  • the Thales SCORPION® helmet-mounted display to accelerate the designation and acquisition of targets, and new, larger side cockpit displays that offer improved resolution.
  • the HAMMER family now includes the 1000 kg variants that retain the modularity of the 250 kg variants thanks to various guidance kits affixed to various types of bomb bodies. The HAMMER 1000 kg brings new multitarget stand-off capabilities against larger or more hardened targets. The Rafale can carry three HAMMER 1000 weapons while still offering a very long range.

The introduction of the F4.1 Standard has begun and new functionalities and equipment will be introduced over the course of the decade:

  • the MICA NG (New Generation) air-to-air missile.
  • major improvements in the field of connectivity, with a communication server, a Satcom satellite link and new software radios of the CONTACT (Communications numériques tactiques et de théâtre, digital tactical and theater-wide radio communications) family.
  • a new digital jammer for the SPECTRA self-defence / electronic warfare suite.
    ’Also, other articles published by French Defense about Rafale F4 does not mention that F4 adds pylons, for example, this article ‘La DGA qualifie le Rafale au standard F4.1: https://www.defense.gouv.fr/dga/actualites/dga-qualifie-rafale-au-standard-f41

Enough facts, let’s talk about game performance and balance.

We all know that Rafale will go to BR14.0.So let’s compare with some other aircrafts:

F-15E :8xAIM-120,good radar, rather poor mobility, great engine, BR14.0

EF Typhoon:6xAIM-120+2xAIM-9M,average radar+IRST, good mobility, great engine, MWS,BR14.0

J-10A: 6xPL-12+2xPL-5E2,poor radar, great mobility, good engine, BR13.7

Mirage 2000-5F/5Ei: 6xMICA+2xMagic 2, poor radar, average mobility, poor engine, MWS,BR13.7

F-16C: 6xAIM-120, good radar, average/good mobility, average engine, BR13.7

Rafale: 6xMICA, should be good radar but not shown in DEV server, good mobility, average/poor engine, MWS,BR14.0

It’s definitely a joke if Rafale stays in 14.0 with only 6 MICA. It even carries less missile than mirage, which is a lightweight fighter.

On the other hand, since EF Typhoon can get double Fox2 pylons only on prototypes, and Brimstones while ITA and GER don’t have in reality, even JAP has F-16AJ which is a completed made-up, Rafale should be given 8xMICA or at least 6xMICA+2xMagic 2 as she could have in reality. Or it will be another example of Gaijin’s double standard and prejudice against some nations and vehicles.


Me when I spread disinformation on the internet

If you want a prototype with little to no combat avionics that can’t even fire its missiles go right ahead, I’ll be sticking with my plane that actually works.

This is completely on topic, the “proof” he showed are of prototypes that are not combat capable. In fact some of the images are of displays made to show what is possible for upgrade if a country were to buy the Rafale. Just because you don’t agree with facts you don’t need to abuse the flagging system.


Thank you for your service to the community. Picture from 2014 before the service of rafale F3R should be enough to prove your point. If gaijin does not implement it, I guess they willingly nerf the plane.