It’s been over a month since the update was released and, still,
radar issue still present on radar of Rafale and EF.
This bug is ruining the fun of my gameplay, I have to fight against my plane before fighting enemis.
1/3 of my shot and, so potential kills are lost due to this bug.
I’m speaking with guys, watching video and the problem does not appears, or yes but not at the same rate.
In HMD mode, if I want to lock a target, I press my dedicated key “Lock RADAR/IRST on targer”;
MICA is the main weapons on the Rafale.
1/3 of the time, with target locked, radar switch to “IR TRACKING” instead of “PD TRACKING”.
Some times it switch between those two mode like crazy, preventing launch of my MICA.
Even more annoying, I have to try to lock again to stop this bug.
To be honnest, I don’t understand as, in Mirage 2000 5F the issue is not here and the lock is way, way better than Rafale.