Radar missiles too opressive, chaffs don't work,

notching won’t work, flying low won’t work…nothing helps. The multipath change was for no good. Something needs to be done. F-14 etc wreck havoc. While one single flare is already enought to hardcounter my Aim-9L.

Its just not balanced. IR missiles vs Radar missiles. What I’m supposed to do in my Tornado IDF vs. F-14 Fakour and Phoenix missile spam?

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Have you tried notching? Terrain masking? Not going towards incoming missiles?


As soon as you hear the RWR launch alarm go off, turn cold (away from the incoming missile), dive towards denser air, and pop (part of) the absolute metric ton of chaff you get for free on the Tornado. Best of luck, partner.


“yeah i know you tried xy, but did you try xyz (z completely unrelated useless tactic)?”


Tornado has one of the best RWRs in game and probably the best supply of Chaff in game. With the new FM, you really shouldnt struggle to get into the notch anymore.

My only suggestion is stop doing what you have been trying to do so far and instead opt for a different path to target. Stop trying to charge down the middle of the map.

You could also try sim, where the Tornado really shines.


Friendly reminder that the primary method of defeat vs radar missiles is proper positioning (such as knowing approximately when the “oppressive” F-14’s AIM-54/Fakour-90 will be getting near you and where you need to be/not be when they do, easy enough to get a feel for in RB), and the secondary method of defeat is a mix of notching, dropping altitude, and notching. NOT a single one of those three only…

This becomes very obvious when you consider how each method aids in defeating the missile.

  • Notching: Lowers the relative velocity of the target aircraft compared to the ground (primary clutter) from the perspective of the missile, making it harder to differentiate the target from the clutter in velocity.
  • Dropping altitude: Lowers the positional difference of the target aircraft from the primary source of clutter (the ground), making it harder to differentiate the target from the ground positionally. If the target is above the missile or emitting radar, ground clutter will only be a minor source of radar return at best.
  • Chaff: Creates a high radar return contact near the target aircraft, acting as a secondary clutter source which MIGHT decoy a radar away from the initial target.

None of the 3 are some kind of magic way to defeat a radar missile, they have a logical reason for being performed, and work in conjunction with each other. Radar missiles are significantly more complex than the IR missiles seen in-game. They are tracking you based on intensity of radar return, similar to how an IR missile tracks intensity of IR return, but have a significant amount of filtering applied to them to ignore things like the ground and chaff. Your job as a pilot (in the event you haven’t been able to evade the missile before its spotted you and locked on), is to make it as hard as possible for the filters to work in separating you from the clutter.

This is important to learn ASAP, since future radar missiles will continue to improve and will by extension make it harder to learn when they have to be dealt with.

This is also why some people struggle substantially more with the new IRCCM missiles than others; they work in specific and logical ways. Knowing HOW they work, and understanding WHY certain methods of defeat work best vs certain missiles will get you much further much faster than bashing your head against the wall and complaining you haven’t gotten through it yet.


How are these unrelated? They are all legit tactics to be used against radar guided missiles.


To be fair, phoenix spam is oppressive. You may notch some, but inevitably one will decide just to ignore the rules and hit you anyway.



I think bro forgot to read.

there is just too many radar missiles fired in a match to notch and dodge them all
f14 is the best example of that where it can just spam fakours and nothing except hiding behind a mountain can give you a reliable counter (if you even know that the missile is coming and from where, imagine planes with no rwr or bad rwr)

The F-14 is moving up 0.3 and all of those are moving down 0.3 in the next BR change. But those are the exception. Everyone else, even arguably those with “weak RWRs” will still know they are coming, if nothing else they should have eyes good enough to be able to see the trails.

Additonally, they just made fake buffs for all RWRs so that they can detect all radar locks or something. So peopel dont even have the excuse anymore of not being able to detect certain lock types.

i’ve out flown and out turned the farkour. fly high then dive behind a mountain i’ve had people was missiles on me.

i just dont see why these people complain about missiles at top tier. They know damn well tech advanced, but still try to fly like they are in ww2 prop planes.


Hey 7M is 7M

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so what if your rwr can tell you that you are being locked if you dont know the direction
good luck notching in a mig23 when the missile coming leaves no trail

I felt the same way for a while, it is kinda just a skill issue. Gonna take A LOT of matches to get used to it. 11.7+ is essentially an entirely different game from whats before it because of f14 and introduction of ARH. So it takes time to get used to.

Just notching doesn’t work because of inertial guidance on the missile. You need to notch, and then have the missile get fooled by chaff you are dropping. Flying low works amazingly well at defeating any low angle of attack ARH launches (if someone is up in space it can be an issue, but they are also a very easy target as well)

As for you last question, ya, BR system sucks for these types of lines between capabilities. F14 was not oppressive at 12.3, but it sure as hell is at 12.0, 11.7, and 11.3. And since premium planes dictate BR spread, and there just happens to be the a great grinder at 12.0 for US… it just got sucked down every match. Only solution is sim EC brackets, but dad gamers have a fit at the idea of not being able to play their favorite plane at the top of the bracket every day.

Well… Assuming we are talking about ARB, I would use common sense and my eyes.

Long range Aim-54s are likely coming from the same 20-30 ° arc from the enemy airfield. So you should be able to just figure what direction the Aim-54s are coming in from from that alone.

As for the rest of the match, I seriosuly doubt anyone is firing beyond a range that you wont have a giant glaring marker telling you exactly where they are. If they are flying straight at you, and something is locking your RWR, Assume you are being fired at by them and defend accordingly.

Only time where it might actually matter is in Sim. But even then, Multipathing works regardless of direction. So drop down to below 50m, drop some chaff and search for the target.


multipathing doesnt work on aim54/fakour fired from high alt
it doesnt matter if you see the enemy after because you arent notching their radar but the missile
and it wont leave a trail after travelling for 20km

I wish the developers would add some defensive tutorials where an enemy fires a missile at you from a distance of your choosing and you can learn how to dodge it.
Because it’s one thing to watch videos of experienced players on YT, but it’s a completely different thing to repeat this yourself.

It’s also really not helping to see other players saying how easy it is to avoid these missiles, all you have to do is to notch, chaff and go low. I see a lot of players saying that you only die if you fly straight above 60 m and don’t care about the incoming missile.

I try to do use all these tips in battles, and the result is as follows:



I am a newbie, I normally don’t play jets and Air Realistic, but it’s not like I don’t care about the incoming missile. It’s just that nothing I do works, the missile still has no problem tracking me. You can also see this guy killed 5 players with Phoenixes, so it’s not only I have this problem with avoiding radar-guided missiles.

For me the biggest problem is lack of proper tutorials in the game. I tried to play and learn the hard way, but there is nothing more frustrating than to fly for 3 minutes, die from a long range missile without even seeing the enemy and not understanding what you did wrong and what you should have done instead.

The only solution that works for me is… not playing at high BRs. I much prefer IR missile battles, at least they follow some logic.