According to the Flight Manual for the SU-27. The R27 and R73 have a time limit between launch to avoid them tracking a previously fired missile.
If the R-27 is launched you must wait 8 seconds before firing another one.
If the R-73 is launched you must wait 4 seconds before firing another one.
This is found on Section 5 page 153 of the flight manual.

If you don’t then the missile will track the previously fired missile.
Also the aircraft must remain banked less than 90 degrees in order to maintain lock in the SU-27. If you don’t then lock should be lost, SU-27 Flight Manual Page 152 Part 5.

Lastly according to the flight manual, the target must be kept inside the confines of the HUD in order to track the target. As seen in Part 5 on Page 152 section 5.6.3 of the manual.

and not at the target aircrafts altitude:

The correct course of action should not be to prohibit the user from doing it. But it should be to allow the user to do it, and have the missile follow the leading missile.
Just asking. Is that classified?
No, it is not. Here is the top page from the manual.
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Well, thats fine to game. Su-27 have a lot of limitations that not implemented in game, sometimes same as other planes.
But I want to see the limitations for other planes aswell. You can’t nerf the su 27 only. War Thunder isn’t a simulator and at the BR of 13.3 it faces enough proplems to deal with.
These are limitations of the missiles. Doesn’t matter what aircraft they are on to an extent.
But what are the limitations for an aim9l? Or 9m?
You can’t nerf the R-73 and let the other missiles stay where they are.
There might be no limitations for 9L/M, so…
Yeah this is why we just don’t need the limitations for r73 and r27
Not really a reason, more like just balance
Keep it balanced every missiles can be OP in its own why. You can’t compare a r3r with a r27 but a aim 7m with a r27
Some more interesting details, launch angle limits are not present in game. From the Manual:
SUV is weapons control systems.

You can compare and result will be kinda same: R-27ER will be better in all/most stats, but smaller gap
Radar limitations way funnier than thiss stuff
R27ER has a range restriction of 2km or more.

Yes you can.
Personally i think as much as possible in game should be as accurate as possible to real life and balancing should be done with BR changes.
I don’t like the idea of “nerfing” or “buffing” weapons/munitions just for balance to make them more equal, if they aren’t equal in real life they shouldn’t be in game either.
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Have you made a report on the issues site?
That is where it’s supposed to go, posting here on the forum won’t get things changed.