R73 can't save SU25T/SU39

it should be. but they have fundamentally removed that from ARB. No attacker/bomber has much value these days in ARB. From Blenheim all the way up to these modern ground attackers. These days ARB matches are decided 99.999% of the time by TDM.

SB EC is the better gamemode for them, and the only place I play attakers. An RB EC is probably overdue.

Yep… Most they could hope for I reckon is maybe R-27T or R-27R without causing total chaos in terms of BR balancing. (for the Su-39 they screwed it over big time by making it a premium, it really cant recieve much in the future now, if it was a TT it could have seen R-77s “soon”) But these aircraft are doomed to failure in something like ARB and likely would never have been added if GRB was not a thing. Fundamentally that was why they were added and semi-confirmed by a mod when the Su-39 was added that this was always intended to be used in GRB and to not expect them to be good in ARB.

I remember me and some other screaming for it to not be premium, but go figure. A quick cashgrab non the less

It was 100% added as a P2W CAS jet for GRB. A way to skip the air grind for the ground mains and in doing so, it basically blocked it from receiving a lot in the future. The fact it actually got R-73s is a bit of surprise for me, though they are also about 10x weaker than I was expecting. so maybe not in the end.

(I do fear them adding something like the Harrier Gr9 as a Premium at 11.7, would block it from getting things like Brimstone in the future, but so long as the Gr9A remained free for the TT, then it might not be too bad to have as premium)

What a stupid comment; there’s no reason for an aircraft like the Tornado IDS Marine variant to be 11.0. It has two mediocre missiles and no useful guided munitions for GRB.

The Tornados are compressed, and unlike their Soviet counterparts, they don’t have access to IRCCM missiles for self-defense. The ground attack tornados are even more deserving of a BR reduction than anything.

The IDS Marineflieger could have some potential for GRB if they made its anti ship missiles be able to lock onto ground targets :v

Not sure if you were referring to the initial post or my application of the initial post’s logic, but I don’t want any of the planes I mentioned to go down. Wasn’t criticising Morvan’s post on the Tornado, that’s a more fair point.

I think 11.0 for all R-73/AIM-9L slingers(below 11.0 that is)

So move anything below 11.0 with aim-9Ls up and if you have a crappy platform above 11.0 with 9L/R-73 then move it down to 11.0

R-73 are not comparable.

The Sea Harrier has basically no A2G capability by comparison.