R-77s are horrid and the R-77-1 is needed

snail launched the (izdeliye 170-1) on which aircraft?
or other su-27?

Is there any proof of this?

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China officials, trust that.

But not sure current version (2005) flown with 120A, maybe C/C5?

Somehow, that’s what I thought.

By the way, is there any reliable information about the range of the AIM-120D?

the snail simply wouldn’t give the r-77-1 to the su-27SM

another aircraft has to come…

27SM3, just a copy
With chances of copiumed al-41

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The fact that the USA is responding with the AIM-260 and deems the PL-15 as a significant enough threat.


I mean it would be a Copium AL-31FM as well a a small chance for the N011

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Russia IS being clubbed.

The current top tier Russian planes are absolutely garbage. The only plane with a good radar is the Mig29SMT, and that plane is gimped by everything else.

Mirage 2000 can cope with the current situation because the MICA is a close range monster (despite not performing even half as good as it should), and they have one of the best top tier radar mounted on one of the best top tier airframe. Gripen have the pathetic DERBY, but it’s still the best dogfighter of the top tier, and as long as it baits the opponent close by flying defensively it can very easily reverse a bad situation in its favor.

Soviets/Russia have nothing for them. They lose at close range AND they lose at long range. The 27ER is completely impotent when the target can launch a 120 and fly away. It forces the Su/Mig to go on the defensive, at which point it already lost. The R-77 is a freaking joke of a missile with the range of a baseball throw. It’s only good at hitting a stock deck hugger at this point.

Honestly, yeah, the ICE is better than both the 29SMT and the Su-27. Once it has its Aim120, it completely dominate the long range engagement against the soviet.

You have to play the SMT to understand how much of a turd that plane is, seriously. Yeah the Phantom are flying bricks, but the SMT goes from Mach to 500km/h in a 180° turn, leaving it extremely vulnerable to a second launch, and it’s not like it has the T/W to get its speed back quickly either. And the SMT is STILL the best soviet plane because, at the very least, it got a strong radar.

And don’t get me started on the R27ER before the patch. We had multipath. Defeating the ER was incredibly easy, you just had to stay low. The meta was dictated by the dogfighters with IRCCM, which included F16C, F15A, Mirage 4000 (which is now completely dead at 12.7 btw) and the Gripen.
Yes, Russia had strong plane at altitude thanks to the ER. But that wasn’t the top tier meta, and its long range capabilities was all they had. Now ? They don’t even have that.

R-77-1 would at least level the playing field a bit, and not let the US side completely crush the opposition.


They need to fix the max g pull because no way in hell it pulls 50G or anything close to that. I disagree with adding the r77-1. Fixing the FMs should be a priority


How does the fact that someone wants to be ahead in military technology imply that the PL-15 surpasses the AIM-120D?

120D was already as answer
260 more like a overkill

Hmmm how about soviet do it against Phantom like Gripen with R-Darter do against everyone else then?
It a Phantom it can’t outrun and can’t dogfight against soviet too

And the PL-17 has a range of 400km+ which far exceeds the AIM-120Ds 100km and AIM-260s predicted 300km+.


The PL-17 is a MASSIVE missile compared to the AIM-120s or R-77s

Another wikipedia source? Or what

This was reported by a WESTERN source actually which estimates the range of the PL-17, specifically the Royal United Services Institute which is based in the UK.

Other media predict it to be between 300km to 500km so the 400km is more of a reserve figure

Chinese predict lower
Theres no point for them to make worser values.

The Phantom has the long range advantage with the Aim120. It’s not that much different to the F4EJ Kai vs the Mig23. The Kai wins long range, the MLD is faster and win close range. It’s a much closer matchup overall than F15C vs Su27.

I seriously invite anyone who claims that the soviets are fine right now to play them. Try them out. You will immediately understand how terrible the current situation is for them.

The only plane that is by all account even worse is the Tornado, even the Aim120 can’t save this one.

EDIT : Also, the Gripen is one of the best plane in the game for defensive flying. It’s a small, very agile plane, with a single engine and a crapton of countermeasure. If it manage to bait its opponent close it wins. Try to do that with the SMT, and it loses after the first turn. The plane basically fall out of the sky.