Questions about the new wiki

I’m planning texts for the wiki, and I have some questions.

Is there a search bar for the texts in this new wiki? With keywords, for example, similar to the tags we have in the forum but more appropriate for the wiki? I looked around and didn’t find this option.

The second question is, Is there any way to upload texts in markdown to the wiki? It seems to use markdown, but when I try to use the markdown macros they simply don’t work… Maybe I’m doing something wrong.
Maybe wiki moderators can help me? Community Technical Support


General search bar and a categories/tags view are in the works, but not currently available.

The wiki uses a WYSIWYG-type editor — text is formatted in the same way that you would in Microsoft Word or Google Docs, for example. If you really wish to write in markdown, you may find some success in first pasting into a markdown renderer, and then pasting the rendered text into the wiki, which will sometimes carry over the formatting correctly.

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Hello, and I would like to know how I make this table of contents here in this post here

As you can see, it collapses, and I would like to learn how to do it correctly. Currently, I just copy and paste it from another text, because I don’t know how to do it with a line of code, properly.

Another thing is that I would like to know how to make these iterative tables and graphs here:

Well, I have a code that takes information from http://localhost:8111/ and puts it in csv, which I can use to make graphs, but it would be interesting to make them iteratively like in the text cited.

can’t use wiki anymore it is broken