PZL P.7a The Puławski Wing

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Should it be a Tech Tree/Premium/Event/Squadron vehicle?
  • Tech Tree
  • Premium
  • Event
  • Squadron vehicle
  • I said no
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Battle Rating?
  • Reserve
  • 1.0
  • 1.3
  • 1.7
  • I said no
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Where should it be?
  • Future Polish Tech Tree
  • German Tech Tree (specify why)
  • Other
  • I said no
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Which machineguns should it have?
  • Vickers wz.09/32
  • Vickers E
  • PWU FK wz.33
  • I said no
0 voters

  • General Information
    PZL P.7a was an all-metal Polish fighter from interwar period. It was originally an alternative to it’s predecessor called the P.6. Both were developed almost simultaneously and mainly differed in propulsion. P.7 had the Bristol Jupiter VII F radial engine with compressor and a reducer that developed the highest power at height of 2750m. This was of great importance for fighters intercepting aircraft at high altitude during that time. The tunnel model was examined at Aerodynamics Institute in spring of 1930. The first prototype designated as PZL P.7/I flew in October of 1930. It had a neatly covered engine with cylinders enclosed in individual hubcaps situated in such a way that would create a gap in front of the windbreak at the apex. In this way, engineer Puławski aimed to improve visibility from the cockpit deteriorated by the use of a radial engine. However, the hubcaps had a complicated structure, were also impractical and inconvenient to use. The last features have influenced the effectiveness of this solution. Cylinders that were too enclosed were getting too hot due to uncontrolled cooling conditions. Various methods were tried, without the use of hubcaps too. Only the use of the Townend ring with deflectors, on the second prototype (P.7/II), flown in the autumn of 1931, solved the problem of cooling. The aircraft was superior in performance to the P.6. It was correct in piloting, requiring only minor structural changes to increase the usability. The prototype was rebuilt to the model form for the serial version. It was accepted by the military with the recommendation of further changes introduced on an ongoing basis during production. The assembly lines were organized in the old buildings of the former CWL (Centralne Warsztaty Lotnicze) at the Mokotów airport. The first order was for 110 copies. Production was launched in 1932 on the basis of contract 127/30 that was originally for PZL P.6 aircraft. The serial version designated PZL P.7a was actually a new design. The aircraft received a redesigned fuselage made in a new technology, with a cross-section more similar to an oval, new wings with a larger span, shorter ailerons and a changed design. The engine received a wide Townend ring and a modified exhaust system, a fairing behind the pilot’s head etc. Production was delayed due to technological difficulties with maintaining the symmetry of the assembled fuselages, and then a delay in the delivery of Jupiter VII F engines produced at the Skoda plant, and finally due to an accident of the first serial copy on September 1, 1932. During the test flight, the ailerons were torn off, and the pilot Bolesław Orliński was forced to parachute. The first trial A-series was equipped with a Chauviere fixed-pitch metal propeller and Palmer wheels. Then they had their own PZL wheels, initially with Bendix brakes, and then PZL and wooden propellers by Szomański. Initially, the armament was Vickers wz.09/32 7.92 mm machine guns (more on that shortly after). By the end of 1932, a total of 48 PZL P.7as were built, completely ready, but not flown and not put into service. These copies were delivered in the spring of 1933. Production lasted throughout 1933 with the last copies being produced in December of 1933.

    After the introduction of the P.7a to all fighter squadrons, the Polish Air Force became the first such formation in the world equipped entirely with fighter aircraft with a semi-monocoque metal structure. Arousing great interest, they took part in several major aviation events. The first, undoubtedly strong accent was the concentration of aircraft at the new Okęcie airport at the end of summer exercises in the last days of September 1933. On 12-23 October 1933, a group of 29 P.7a and an F-VIIIm3W transport aircraft with technical facilities, paid a visit to Romania. During the meeting on the occasion of the national holiday in Bucharest, the Poles gave a demonstration of team and individual piloting. The parade of formations in the strength of the regiment made a great impression on the hosts. On September 18, 1934, 3 P.7a paid a similar visit to Belgrade. They were also demonstrated to foreign guests in Poland. The Japanese missions got acquainted with the P.7a aircraft twice, on 3 April and 15 October 1933. Airmen from the USSR who arrived in Warsaw on three TB-3 bombers were shown the P.7a on July 28, 1934.
    In addition to propaganda values, the shows also had commercial purposes. Inquiries were received from Romania, Portugal, Turkey, Greece, Sweden and Yugoslavia. However, new prototypes with more powerful engines and better armament appeared in PZL. Export transactions already concerned the successors of the P.7a. In the summer of 1939, there were 105 aircraft in the air force, including 30 in fighter squadrons, and the rest in training schools or squadrons, repairs and in reserves. The replacement process was not completed and on September 1, 1939 they were still in the equipment of fighter squadrons. In total, about 70 P.7a were used in the September campaign. Much slower and less armed, they nevertheless scored about 10 kills and damages to enemy aircraft. 14 P.7a were evacuated to Romania. They were grouped at the airport in Galaţi. Later, in 1940, they were illegally appropriated and assigned to aviation schools. The last records concerning these machines come from February 1, 1944. There were 2 more P.7a there, probably unable to fly.

  • Armament + Equipment
    2x machineguns synchronized with the prop
    700 rounds per gun (1400)
    Early planes with numbers from 6.02 to 6.08 had Vickers wz.09/32, 6.09 to 6.108 had Vickers wz.E and 6.109 to 6.148 had PWU FK wz.33
    I’ll let you people decide on this one.

  • Specifications

    Length: 6,985 m
    Wingspan: 10,57 m
    Height: 2,69 m
    Wing area: 18,00 m2
    Gross weight: 1476,6 kg
    Fuel capacity: 315 L (in prototypes)
    Powerplant: 1 × Skoda-Bristol Jupiter VII F (520KM at max)
    Maximum speed: 327 km/h
    Range: 600 km
    Climb: 10,4 m/s
    Service ceiling: 8200 m

  • Sources
    PZL P.7a - Kampania Wrześniowa 1939.pl
    “Samoloty Wojskowe w Polsce 1924-1939” Andrzej Morgała
    samolotypolskie.pl - PZL P-7
    Glass A. ”Polskie konstrukcje lotnicze 1893-1939”
    Glass A. ”Samoloty PZL 1928-1978”

  • Pictures


I dont understand why you even added the option for it to go to germany? Is not needed, doesnt really fit in and are you even shure it was captured and used by Germany?

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PZL P.7a were captured by both Germany and Russia. We know Russians found around 20 machines in flyable condition. They only tested them though. Germans on the other hand found about dozen of them in different conditions. They supposedly repaired about 10 planes which they later used in service in Luftwaffe.
unnamed (2)
I myself would like to see it in the potential Polish tech tree but I still prefer to give people the choice. Germany could use some low tier Arado aircrafts which are underrepresented in the game.

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Nice job bro. +1

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Sorry i think this would be worse than d.371 so a no from me

It’s similar in performance to Swedish J6B. It even has the same engine. Why it being presumably worse than D.371 is a automatic no?

Another option would be a Romanian aircraft in the Italian tree.

The machine gun question was a bit difficult, but from what I can gather the Vickers Class E is an aircraft version of the classic Vickers .303 from WWI, the wz.09/32 is a Polish version of that gun, and the wz.33 is a Polish upgrade of the Browning M1917. I chose the wz.33, but I don’t really have a good frame of reference for how each would perform in-game, as that could have an impact on its BR. Regardless, +1

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I personally have the P.7a as the special free premium (specifically Czesław Główczyński’s aircraft). There’s just so many reserve-quality Polish aircraft, one of them had to go there to make space for eveything in the tech tree.
The captured ones could also be an interesting premium for Germany, but only captured ones as premiums, Poland deserves its own tree.

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Hope we don’t see Romania in Italian tree. Two sub trees would be a little too much.

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Well the engine of the d.371 is very strong for a reserve vehicle but monoplanes among biplanes is very dangerous with manuevrebility and it has even worse armament so…i am sceptical about this

Currently Romanian aircraft get added to Italy as premiums, and there is at least one Romanian aircraft in the regular tech tree.

I’d rather see Romania as a sub-tree of Yugoslavia but I doubt we’d ever see it. At least Romania could add the IAR-93 to the sub-tree at a higher tier instead of all the copy paste Italy has been given so far.

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That’s true.

It should do just good enough. It wouldn’t be a plane with the worst performance at rank 1.

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wz.E stock and wz.33 as a modification

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