Pzh 2000 (Panzerhaubitze 2000) is not complete!

Hello everyone !
As a former commander of the Pzh2000, I unfortunately discovered that this vehicle was not fully implemented.

  • The vehicle has an automatic loader which enables a fire rate of 10 rounds per minute (i.e. 6 seconds reload time)
  • The Spallliner is missing
  • The commander’s visor is not functional

All the important Infos you need, you can find on the Website from KNDS itself :

Please dear Dev team, take care of this and make sure it is changed!


Because NATO vehicle.

Okay, finaly the Reload Rate was “fixed” but the Spallliner is still missing ='(

And we still have only the training ammo M107. Where is DM121 and 131? Where are the other goodies.

Besides that the PZH in War Thunder is poorly Armored. The PZH 2000 is a Tank 12 Tons heavyer than any other SPH in its class. Here is a Video that might give some insight from the Ukrain Front: