Doesn’t stop gaijin from giving it to all three of them
Sure, but if the shop Page was real that mean that either one Is gonna be a premium or the PZH2000 initially was intended as a premium and was later changed (so only two options remain, at least for now).
im not sure if they can “just decide” if something becmoes a premium or a TT vehicle or a event vehicle. I hope at least that there is a bit more planing than just “deciding it on a whim” weeks before the update
the PzH 2000NL becoming a pack for France would make sense because of the French indigenous 155mm’s.
If we get the same pzH model for 3 nations, then no Hungarian PzH this update.
Yeah that make sense, in future they could also add the hungarian and another random PZh2000 user for Germany as premiums.
You do realise that is allready happening? But its not an German Prem because HU is in the Ita tree
And that’s just what I was talking about, Indeed it’s why I said that Germany will very likely get a premium pzh from another nation like Qatar.
Is there any actual difference between the pzh that each country can get
I don’t think so, maiby with future upgrades.
Not realy, mainly diffrent skins that’s it
And I realy want to see there source for TVD, because NVD I agree but TVD is Bullshit
well spall liners at 7.7
if gajin at least would say some things are balance choices
Just like the PLZ05 at 7.7 with an LRF too
I wonder, has it an Blowout panel in game?
In the devstream the laser rangefinder did not auto set the distance. Is this correct irl?
Dev Server Bug
And what about the L15a2 and DM121 of the PZH2000
Really hope so
Boys list up wrong things from devserver pls.
I have two secondary source books. I’ll report things