Pz. IV G

The German one is 3.3. The Italian one is 3.7.

This is Gaijin telling us what we already knew. Players who choose Germany are not as good at the game as players who choose Italy.

There is no “lineup” reason either. Both nations have deep 3.7 lineups of comprehensive composition.


The Italian G has some tin foil wrapped around the turret.


Panzer IVs are undertiered anyway, and the IV G deserves 3.7. German one should move there.


Italian Pz IV G has some (pretty useless) Armor added around the turret but uses the KWK40 L48, in line with the later H/J models which are 3.7. So I honestly don‘t see your point, except you are uninformed and try to post pointless posts or bait some rage.


See text above.


Most of us assume that game players who chose Germany early on are American anyway.You don’t need to be much of a tank expert to see the difference in the Italian G and the German.

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The gun? Which is the same reason the other Panzer 4’s are 3.7?


Top one is German

This from a guy with a 70% win rate in the Pz. IV G (Which is top 12% of all your ground vehicle winning percentages). Clearly this opinion is based on a clear example of your matches in the vehicle. Wait …

The gun is absolutely not that much better. Or are you saying one of the absolute best guns (if the G at 3.7) isn’t good enough?

Perhaps you could explain all of the guns at 3.7 that aren’t German, that are better than the L43?


Well quite simply, the gun is not the sole deciding factor. I don’t recall the Archer being 6.0 because the Centurion with the same gun is all the way up there, or 4.7 since that has APDS.
The Pz. 4 is a pretty poor chassis to be attached to. I much prefer any of the Shermans. The stabilizer of the Shermans almost completely negates the Pz 4’s gun if you’re anywhere within 600m because you will literally always get the first shot if you arrive head to head. Sure they could ambush or snipe you but that usually doesn’t win a game unless you and your entire team ignored the objectives, which you will then have the advantage on.


The Pz IV G chassis is the same as the H and J. Not really relevant. The ONLy meaningful difference is the gun.

That’s also NOT factoring that the H/J are under BR too.

There aren’t any 3.7 guns that can compare to the German 75 either.

To be honest. I’m mostly messing around here. Everybody knows that the average Germany player is less capable then the average player for a lot of other nations. It’s not just the G but up and down the Germany lineup they have many under BR vehicles. So does Russia. In fact I find that this game is really a titanic struggle between Russia and Germany players constantly fighting to prove who is worse at the game.


Again, you are snagged on this idea that the gun is the only deciding factor. It is not. Regardless, the Pz. 4’s are not undertiered nor is the Italian 4G overtiered.

Frankly this entire comment reads ridiculously, but apparently you’re just “messing around.”

German players or Russian players are not “worse,” they’re just larger factions. Many more people play them. If each nation had exactly 20% of their players be bad, you would see more bad US/GE/SU players because theyre just larger. That doesn’t make them more stupid.

Frankly I don’t feel this post was made “mostly messing around,” but whatever, I’ll stop replying since I clearly took obvious bait.


Fr. The F2 and J are fine but the G should be 3.7 and the H 4.3. I didn’t know until just now that the Italian G has the noticably more powerful L48 so 4.0 for that.

There’s the 76mm M7 found on the M10, which like the J has a hand-cranked turret, which is why I think the J isn’t undertiered like the G and H.

Ah you mean the 43 battles that I did wit the G in my German lineup because I went back to the F2? Yeah, im sorry for having a high winrate because back then the whole game was different (since I play this game far longer than you do apparently) but thx for you to notice that I play better than you.

Still you are uninformed.

On the other hand you are just „messing“ around - so probably no sense in taking anything you ever say about this game serious.

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^ ^
at 3.3 we have
-US 76 on the M10 which is not only similar but better
-17pndr on Achilles, also just a better gun
-JP long 75 on Na-To near identical to kwk but with more tnt and velocity

the only reason I can ever fathom for people thinking the panzer IVs are collectively undertiered is just layers upon layers of confirmation bias


I don’t really want to get into a argument here about why this tank should go up or down in BR, but I will say this… Move this to the machinery of war section before it gets locked for not being in the right section… :)

Poor turret traverse, less armored, and open topped

Same here

Open topped, turretless chassis with paper armor


Two tanks with hand-cranked open-topped turrets and truck with gun, as I said comparison to the M10 simply justifies the BR of the J and not the G and H which are truly undertiered

To elaborate, just copy-pasting from a previous post
Panzer IV G to 3.7
Panzer IV G (Italy) to 4.0 (?)
Panzer IV H to 4.3
The KwK 40 is a great gun, nearly on-par with the 76mm M1. The G has significantly better armour than the F2, though it’s still not great. The H is rather similar in armour, mobility, and firepower to the M4A1 (76) yet it’s 1.3 lower??? The J has a hand-cranked turret which makes it balanced at 3.7, being essentially and M10 with a turret and trading hull and turret armour effectiveness. The H and G (Italy) both use the L/48 KwK 40.
For a comparison between the 3 similar cannons, here’s the penetration for their APHE rounds at 500m at 0 and 60 degrees:
76mm M1: 133mm, 48mm
KwK 40 L/48: 130mm, 47mm
KwK 40 L/43: 123mm, 45mm


correct sir, the original statement was “there arent any guns comparable to the German 75” so i provided the comparable guns at the BR - while also in agreement about the M10

PS. immense irony in bringing up the platforms being the reason for where they are but managing to not see the connection to the panzer IV :)