Listen Developers…I want my darn MESH armor back. I paid for this vehicle only because of that fact…it had mesh armor side skirts. Somewhere along the line you DEVs stripped my purchased tank naked. Now I just grinded…ground skirts for the Italian Turan I…it has the same mesh side skirt armor. I want my dam mesh armor back that I paid for …the German WW2 PZ IV Pz.Bef.Wg.IVJ.
Plz…give my side skirt amour back. It’s been over 4 years …since you took that from “us” who purchased this vehicle.
Thank you for your time.
They’re still there you just have to remove “Ostketten”
omg…that just popped into my head after taking a pee…thk you
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It’s still not exactly fair, as far as I know the mesh side skirts should still be able to be used with Ostketten. I just use the mesh skirts because I think they’re pretty. The vehicle definitely performs better with Ostketten instead.
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as we can see, there are ostketten & some plate-side skirts mounted.
So mesh shouldn’t have been a problem either.
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