PUMA VJTF is broken like the Merkavas 4

Playing the PUMA now since 2 weeks and come to the conclusion its completly broken. It has the same problem like the merkava 4s: 1 freaking hit to the turret and u r done, literally. i cant find an explanation how its possible that 95% of hitting my turret imobilizes me constantly. only thing visible peeking up a hill is the IRCM Scope anf the freakin gun and still i get Ammo rack burns, track damaged, engine fail and horizontal turret slew broken and ALL this at once by a single AP shell. I stopped playing israel for the very same reason: 1 hit to the turret renders you instantly useless. at least 2 cremembers die, gun broken, horizontal turret slew broken and burning engine 90% of the times…its time to stomp the PUMA aswell now…not to mention the almost useless spikes that happens to 4 times do aboslutly NOTHING on the very same target. constantly ricochet or just “poof” like a fire cracker hitting the front armor plates despite the fact its in REALITY going upwards and then comes top down, but no not in the game it goes up and then its flying downwards to get a head on angle again…oh and you can just have 4 it…


and the spikes sometimes even… bounce on the turret roofs… how?


yea exactly my point aswell, how can an ATGM bounce that much on angles where it clearly CANT bounce!

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The PUMA VJTF and Namer are genuinely depressing to play, like they’re only good on the Carpathians C point, and that’s like literally it. You get like 4 spikes, which is maybe 1 kill, and the APFSDS is very lacking for the absurd 10.7-11.0 BR it’s at.

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