Problems with the F-111F, F-111C, Su-24M

First off, where is the F-111E, the F-111C pre-AUP, and the Su-24? Why have this generation of vehicles simply been skipped? The same thing happened with the F-4F and now we don’t have the ICE-LA, don’t do this to the swing-wings as well! Additionally, the 111s both carried AIM-9Ms, the Su-24M is missing its FLIR, and satellite guided-bombs were introduced for the Su-24M2!

Cause they’re less useful.
A 9.7 Su-24 doesn’t really fulfill a unique role, and has limited countermeasures.

F-111F with 9Ms would be 13.x, which is far too high of a BR for it.
9Ls are a correct historical loadout for the BR they’re going for.

GPS bombs are on many aircraft, not just Su-24.
Su-24 also doesn’t have a thermal pod available to it. It’s night vision only.

You’ve listed no problems, just personal preferences.


there are planes at 13.0 with 9Ms with a way better FM than the F-111F will have, why would it be 13.3


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6x 9Ms on a mach 2 platform is 13.3: F-16A.
Other aircraft are under-BR’d.

Stop telling people to ignore everyone you come across.
Not sure why you’re claiming to be seeking attention since it’s obvious your post is behavioral projection.


6 9Ms on a Mach 2 platform is 13.0: JAS39A

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Again, under-BR’d.


lmao mr expert


I trust Jaek, Defyn, Tim’s Variety, Wareta, Wrecking Ares, etc over people that claim I’m wrong for repeating the factual information that any of them said themselves. To insult me for stating the things I learned from them is insulting far more people than just me.
I guarantee I repeat fact-related information I got from you as well.

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Not always, sometimes he seems to get serious and have actually reasonable and thought-out input. But comparing the F-111, which should only have 4 AIM-9L/Ms by the way, to an F-16 is obvious bait.


Yeah, I can’t even imagine how “expert” someone needs to be to think that a stupidly heavy aircraft with 9M’s would be 13.3 while there’s way better platforms as the Gripen A and F-15A sitting at 13.0.

Also, War Thunder experts? pfff cut that joke off


They quite often skip aircraft. like we don’t have any of the lightnings before the F6, or any other hunter variants or the Harrier Gr5

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Loadouts are always balanced based. Tornado Gr1 should have Aim-9Ms as well. F111F with 6x Aim-9M would be 12.0/12.3 I reckon

yes, but the difference between the Su-24 and 24M, C and AUP, even 111E and F, or are much greater than the differences between the Hunter or Lightning models. Not sure about Harriers. We’re talking like 1.0BR differences in performance.
It’s like the GR.1 being skipped for the GR.4, but the GR.4 also missing ASRAAM (in a hypothetical scenario where ASRAAM is already in the game.

First off, should be 4 9Ms (currently flipping through the manual to verify, one sec while I find the right page)
and second I’d say 12.3-12.7, at least the BR of the GR.7. Also assuming the full 240 CMs are fixed and its not left with 52.

Still, 11.7 with 2x Aim-9M is apparently too OP for the Tornado IDS. I doubt 4x Ain-9M at the same BR

Yes, skipping aircraft gens is annoying, but the US has gotten a lot of aircraft this update already and leave that variant open for a premium

Something to keep in mind when talking about the F-111.
Defyns thoughts about the F-111A, since you mentioned his opinion:

Transcript of his latest video

We have the F-111F. Now the F-111F, it’s a bomber.
It’s heavier, it gets slightly better engines or better engines actually than the F-111 that we already have in the game but the main thing here is does it get better missiles? Because right now
The F-111A is probably one of the worst planes that you can fly in AirRB.
It’s super hot, it guzzles fuel, it has AIM-9Bs and you can go from Mach 1.2 to 550 km/h in a 180 [turn] without dropping throttle, without using flaps, without doing anything; Full afterburner, trying to conserve speed as you turn it as hard as possible. Now those things of course don’t really go hand in hand but this flight performance is absolutely abysmal even for a bomber. As of right now you can basically not even correct your cause a little bit if you’re trying to bomb something, because you’re going to lose so much speed that you’re just going to die and get missiled. Because of course you have the F-14 engines which are hot as hell and if you have to maneuver whatsoever you’re basically dead. The acceleration isn’t there, maneuverability isn’t there. It was already kind of struggling and then they went ahead and nerfed it even more, so I hope that this thing at least gets better missiles because it is going up [in BR] simply because of the better performance and the F-111A is already absolutely dreadful to fly.
I’m not entirely sure what it could get. I’m, again, also not very well versed in bombers. Some people said that it might carry Aim-9Js and of course Aim-9Js are not going to be fantastic. Hopefully it gets Aim-9Ls but we’re not entirely going to be sure if it actually is eligible to get those.
(via YT-transcript, edited for formatting)

  • one of the worst planes that you can fly in AirRB
  • this flight performance is absolutely abysmal
  • if you have to maneuver whatsoever you’re basically dead
  • F-111A is already absolutely dreadful to fly
  • Hopefully it gets Aim-9Ls but we’re not entirely going to be sure if it actually is eligible to get those

I do not think Defyn would agree with you to put that thing to 13.3, even if it had 9Ms.
And I doubt that Gaijin will give the 111F/C a completely different flight-model than the A, so the flight performance-upgrade will mostly be the engines.



I’d riot if the 111E was premium. The 111D on the other hand, that’s understandable. Specially if we get some nice AIM-7Gs, same with the 111K for britain.

? Never heard of that, do you have any more information?

i think the f111f is fine how it is. but the 52 countermeasures sounds dreadful for a heavy plane with 2 suns has engines (modified f14a/f111a engines)