Problem with two monitors

I have 2 monitors and for some reason the game only starts on the second monitor. All the time before this it started on the first monitor, where I opened the launcher. I did absolutely nothing with the system and literally a couple of weeks ago everything worked as it should. But when I try to move the window with the key combination shift+win+left the game still returns to the second monitor… I know that in the settings there is an option to select a monitor, but it does not work.

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Set the one you want to have the game on as the primary display in the windows display settings and that should make it always fullscreen on there when set to fuillscreen.


Of course I made the first monitor the main one as soon as I connected the second one. And as I said, everything worked fine with the second monitor for many years before that.

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You’re using fullscreen, not window/borderless for graphics? If using the windowed/borderless that could be a reason if it dragged over to the other.

(It’s been ages since I’ve used multiple monitors)

Yes, always on full screen. Now the game starts on the correct monitor only in window mode. In frameless window mode and full screen it jumps to the second. What have the snails done?

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