Problem the KEEP THE BALANCE Add The R77,Aim120 For Bison,F20

It would be nice if they put active missiles on these planes to hit me with the bison against planes with more capabilities than me and with the F20 I think for those who have used it I think it goes without saying how bad you have a hard time playing with this plane I see the possibility that the F20 is the “Worst PREMIUM plane” to buy. I see the possibility that the F20 is one of the “Worst PREMIUM planes” to buy. Even though I play it well the things this plane has is not nearly the range it deserves, you sacrifice a lot of missiles to carry 2 sparrows which would be a total of 4 missiles and 6 Aim9l that in 12. 7 are obsolete with the drag that these missiles have and the Bison Mig 21 to be an aircraft that was designed to combat the F16 seems very sad to me in the end you are a second generation aircraft with only 4 missiles while everyone has at least 8-6 missiles better speed than you and better agility than you.

These things that gaijin does to “KEEP THE BALANCE” for me only ruins the planes. we are not children it is more than clear to know that these planes are not worth the 75 dollars that the package is worth. it does not seem right to me that they offer more expensive packages with worse armaments / capabilities.

Whoever tells me that the F20 never carried aim120 should provide me with a document that proves it, I don’t buy information there is too much.

Whoever tells me that the F20 never carried aim120 should provide me with a document that proves it with “information not story because there is too much information. I already made a post talking and proving that the missile exists in this aircraft I do not want your unsubstantiated talks.

The Mig 21 bison I think it is not necessary to talk about whether or not he got the missile.

The yak141 the same
The JA37D also the same
F16 MLU The same


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So fun fact the F-20 cannot carry the AIM-120. Nowhere in the public flight manual for it does it state anything about the AIM-120 nor is there photo proof of it so…


So people have to provide documentation that it cant but you dont have to provide documentaiton it can?

But anyway, Mig-21, F-20, Yak-141 to 13.3
JA37D to 13.0
F-16 MLU to 13.7

All to gain ARH is a wierd request, but sure, free kills for the 13.7s and soon to be added 14.0s I guess

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No clearly there is a mountain of evidence that the F-20A can carry the AIM-120, the mountain of evidence is american player tears.


Honestly yes. These vehicles deserve these weapons, however they shouldn’t get them just yet.

Give some time so top tier can grow, and once there’s enough room they can add other ARH capable premiums in the future to match them.

I mean… Well. That’s partially true and false. There were still plans after for the F-20A Tigershark to equip AIM-120s hypothetically if the project didn’t get cancelled in 1986. The one prototype that was still left out of the three was directly used as a testbed for mock-up early AMRAAMs in the bottom photos:


I actually just found this out from some more digging, but i doubt gaijin would let this slide. i think if anything gaijin purposely didnt give it 120’s due to not wanting to give possible new players fox 3’s.

Knew it wouldn’t be long before the infamous mockup photos showed up.

The F-20 was designed as an overall upgrade to the F-5, while still being the budget option. It was intended to be armed with ARH weapons such as the Aim-120A, however the program failed before the actual missile could be integrated.

It didn’t stop them from making the plane compatible with the missile in the future however, as the racks had provisions to mount the Aim-120A while the radar was capable of guiding it in. Theoretically speaking, the F-20A could be able to fire an Aim-120A if it had access to one, it’d just need a simple software update.

I wonder how long until @Shin_Kazama shows up in here :P


Unfortunately it’s going to happen sooner or later. Won’t be long before things like the MiG-23-98 (which didn’t really exist, change my mind) and others become top tier premiums for other nations. Not to mention the fact the Bison is purposely being withheld the R-77 for the likely reason that they intend to give it to it in the far future.

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Probably not, it would be pretty ballsy right now. But then and again every few mini-updates I’ve noticed that they are adding new tutorial/instruction options for various advanced top-tier weapons in the modifications window. It saddens me to say this but once we reach the peak with 5th generation jet fighters, we’ll probably will start getting Tier VIII premium versions of the MiG-29, Su-27, F-16, Gripen all with ARH missiles ready for inexperienced usage from your average player at the tap of a wallet.

i pray 5th gens dont get added

A hopeless prayer

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That’s most likely not the case as you can buy them in other nations.


I guess he means the JF-17

i guess

Sorry was in a match.

Yeah the SD-10A on the JF-17 is ARH, so holding the 120’s off simply to prevent people from buying ARH doesn’t make sense when it would be offered on another premium. I did think there was a second but evidently not.

From a financial standpoint it makes more sense to offer ARH missiles as that obviously what a lot of people want, and they want to sell premiums. So that argument just doesn’t make a lot of sense to me.

well i feel like china is more of a less played nation especially for new players and ontop of the fact its a squadron so you still have to grind out mods for it and not being able to research the TT with it.

If you’re buying a premium you can just GE it.

And if the intent is to not allow people to buy ARH missiles, it defeats the purpose

Sorry, it’s obligatory at its mention :D

F-14 IRIAF is also a purchasable vehicle with ARH missiles, but only to those with access to the marketplace. However the JF-17 is the more well known one given its GE or squadron rp price tag

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