Premium BBs

For anyone who wants to start discussing the new Premium-BBs

Is it a good thing for the game to have them now?
Will they harm gameplay?
Will there be countless bots with them as well?

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They were almost inevitable at some point, weird only that they were added prior to any new top tier BB. Good choice of ships too imo, they overall easy to kill and hardly any threat to game balance, the rest is to be seen in the upcoming weeks.

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Well, I don´t mind having these premiums now. The choice is good, sturdy, good to use. The upcoming bots will have a significant impact on the game though I fear.

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Endless waves of USS Arkansas and the USSR one…


It’s a certainty.

I dislike them adding prem BBs because it makes my grind feel less significant now that BBs can be purchased so easily


I’ve seen a horde of Marat’s lately. It’s basically Pariskaya Kommuna in steroids but 0.3 BR lower. Doesn’t really make sense to me but Gaijin does Gaijin things.

To me it’s all the same if they add more premium BB’s, I ain’t gonna buy them anyway. :D

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It makes perfect sense from Gaijin’s perspective. They don’t make any money from most people grinding out top-tier ships, but they will release a top-tier premium, rake in a massive amount of money, then nerf or change the BR of the premium they just sold you because they can do whatever they want.

This has happened dozens of times, so I’m not sure why people are still surprised by this. It’s the same reason they won’t fix the issue that rhymes with “snots.” Too many of those players spend a lot of money on the game. Until it starts pushing other paying players out of the game, they have zero incentive to fix it.