They are not going to go with putting exact. Copies of the same tank in premium and tt. They would have to have something unique between the 2. You also do not have time for them to find a new design and model it before launch.
Your best bet instead of asking for the tank to be premium and tt would have to just ask for it to be move to tt.
Brother, Gaijin would never, NEVER move a premium vehicle to the Tech tree, that’s exactly why i suggested the addition of both.
Also, I’m not against the addition of premiums, it’s a free high quality game, they need to make money.
I don’t think the production variant of said vehicles should be premiums(at least first), im fine with coping tech tree vehicles as premiums.
And last, no, they don’t need a different model, maybe a new camo, but this can be easily fixed.
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They did. Now let’s hope they actually fix it.
The one has to be unique from the other. At what you are asking now you are going to get no where. Camo, model they are both the same. It will have to be drafted up and image. There is not a lot of time for that to happen. Unless we are just painting a couple of Zs on it i do not see it being ready.
They did it for the JA-37D in time.
edit - Hell, even if they had to delay the tech tree BMD-4M to next update, still preferable to completely losing out on a tech tree BMD-4
Who said that? The JA37DI is literally the same with another camo.
Then given them a camo pattern. There neededs to be something unique to the premium from the tt or they are going to ignore you.
They have already said they are planning on doing it in future updates.
For other BMD’s, not the BMD-4. Which is the one people are wanting in the tree.
Then give better suggestions. Or just demand the that it be tt instead of a premium. But the boat has probably already sailed do to it being available for pre-order. So you are all probably screwed.
There’s an entire thread in the dev server section of suggestions. The main one is adding a tech and premium version.
I wonder why are you so toxic and against it, like why? how the addition of a copy paste vehicle on the tree afects you?
I’m am against all copy paste work gaijin has done. But this request just feels lazy. At lest gaijin tries to hide it by a special paint job or decoration. But to just ask for them to just make the same thing put under to lines is beyond lazy.
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And it is lazy to just be asking for them to just give you something without offering suggestions on how to make it work for them.
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Currently sweden because i am grind it. But i play maybe 300-400 games this entire year. Im vary casual. So calling me a main is probably a joke.
“Who has Biggus Dikus”
There is enought of me for everyone, not lets get back on topic
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Please get back on topic. There’s no need to make it personal.
Sorry if it feels personal, it isn’t, I’m just trying to understand the reasons behind people voting against the addition of said vehicle to everyone.
I was really surprised to know that players are against free vehicles.