Pre-order Premium Jets: AV-8S, Su-22M4 and JA37DI

Pre-orders for three store packs have started today! Meet the AV-8S Harrier for Japan, the Su-22M4 for Germany and the formidable JA37DI Viggen for Sweden.

AV-8S Harrier — Japan, Rank VI

Pre-order - AV-8S Matador Pack

The Kit Includes:
  • AV-8S Matador (Rank VI, Japan)
  • 2000 Golden Eagles
  • Premium account for 15 days
  • Pre-order bonus: unique title "Matador"
  • Pre-order bonus: unique decal “Naga”


The AV-8S represents the Spanish, and later Thai, export variant of the AV-8A Harrier, which is already well familiar to the game. As such, the aircraft inherits much of its flight characteristics from the AV-8A, including the Harrier’s signature VTOL ability, allowing it to act both as a fixed wing aircraft, but also as a helicopter, thanks to its hover capabilities. As with other Harriers, this feature in addition to an extensive suite of suspended weapons makes it particularly well suited for Ground Battles. Furthermore, being able to carry the AIM-9P Sidewinder missile as well as countermeasures ensures that the AV-8S can hold its own in a dogfight. Lastly, with the AV-8S being a Premium aircraft, you can use its additional bonuses to speed up progression towards some of the top Japanese aircraft!

Su-22M4 — Germany, Rank VII

Pre-order - Su-22M4 WTD 61 Pack

The Kit Includes:
  • Su-22M4 WTD 61 (Rank VII, Germany)
  • 2500 Golden Eagles
  • Premium account for 20 days
  • Pre-order bonus: unique title "Fitter"
  • Pre-order bonus: unique "Ingolstadt coat of arms" decal
  • Pre-order bonus: unique camouflage (screenshot will be added later)


The Su-22M4 comes to the game as the pinnacle of the Su-17/22 family in German service. This advanced variant is able to employ cutting-edge guided ordnance, including TV-guided weapons, as well as laser-guided munitions. Furthermore, the Su-22M4 proves formidable in air-to-air combat, equipped with over 250 countermeasures and the potent all-aspect R-60MK missiles. Its upgraded engine and avionics ensure rapid delivery of these deadly weapons to enemy targets. In essence, the Su-22M4 embodies a true multirole masterpiece for German high-tier air operations. It excels in both air-to-air and air-to-ground engagements, making it a formidable force on the battlefield.

JA37DI — Sweden, Rank VIII

Pre-order - Saab JA37DI Viggen F21 Pack

The Kit Includes:


The JA37DI represents a further modification of the JA37D, which itself became available during the mid 1990s. Building upon the upgrades of the standard D variant of the Viggen, the DI modification focused on streamlining the aircraft’s systems and avionics for international operations. Most notably however, the JA37DI brings with it the ability to mount the Rb99 missile. Being the Swedish designation for the American AIM-120, its addition to the Viggen greatly increases the aircraft’s effectiveness in aerial combat, giving it the ability to hunt down targets which are beyond visual range. In addition to this, the Viggen retains its signature superb flight characteristics culminating in the aircraft’s excellent maneuverability thanks to its sleek delta wing design!


we are up to 80 dollar premiums now!


The Su-22 feels like an unnecessary addition, considering that Germany has no lineup for 11.3.

Maybe a Tornado would have been better, it could even get laser guided bombs and be 11.7! Oh, wait…


How much later?

  • V-8S Harrier - patching horrible non-existent CAS state for Japan past 4.3 with premium plane
  • Su-22M4 - 11.3 with doomed flight model since “wingsweep fix” (hello, MiG-21bis is 11.0)
  • JA37DI Viggen - who remembers when devs told that there won’t be last tier premiums? “We will not sell top tier experience”… eah, sure…

Are you going to give the JA-37Di datalink channels?


Yeah… the Di Viggen with fox-3 is a cool addition, but the premium vehicle prices are reaching unprecedented levels

Imagine what the new top tier premiums will cost a year or two from now

85 USD, 90 USD… 100 USD where does it stop


I was quite excited when I saw the harrier datamine, then I read the „most likely premium“ and was like „guess not then“

I reeeeeeealy hope we get to see this skin for it


I was also extremely happy to hear that a variant of it is coming to the main tree as well :) many have asked for it ^^




It’s never the end, it’s never the end

Yeah this was a welcome decision. No matter what one thinks about the premium JA37 price, at least we don’t have to buy it to get to play a Fox-3 Viggen


That skin already exists for JA37C, maybe it will be for GE as it usually with semi-historical market skins.


Nah GJ you can keep it my Limit is reached, 80EUR?


Hot damn look at all those things I’m not going to buy.


Ya know, you can always get a top tier premium for 80 dollars and play it for hundreds of matches at top tier till you reach the end of the tree. Then you play some more top tier in the tree. How not boring ( also yoinking a potential unique tech tree possibility with it amirite F-20A and A-6E and the list…)
Or. And hear me out: Lord Gaben extends his hand down and you get a load of discounted AAA games for the black friday and winter sales ( for probably even less tbh).
What convenient timing and pricing these premiums are dropping with lmfao.


It’s sad the Av-8S doesn’t get a unique camouflage :(

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80 usd microtransactions. GG gaijin… Let me guess it just inflation…

Where Rb-99s for the JA-37D???
Also great another copy-paste German premium. At least this one might be decent.
And now there’s a premium AND freemium more capable than anything Germany has…

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I’m afraid there’s no brakes on this train

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