Pre-order: Object 140

Regional pricing 🤯🤯🤯


wot moment

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A good platform to test stealth. Has no guns. No AAM’s. Just 2 laser guided bombs

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the APHE on it will be very good sooooo

two different playstyles, at different BR’s

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They are both for the 9.3 lineup, and it’s the same playstyle due to both lacking armor and having good rounds.

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Seriously? USSR players have been waiting for a new TT tank since last year. This could have also just been a TT vehicle. But I’m definitely more irked by the lack of new TT tanks for USSR.


Germany also has the most paper vehicles in the game last I checked… so you really can’t complain, as for aircraft, Germany gets plenty, you just had an event for a German tank, and there is the next battlepass coming up.


What is a TT tank?

TT means tech tree


They need more TT tanks though, there’s huge gaps between 6.7 to 8.0, 8.0 to 9.0, 10.7 to 11.7 etc.

They also have some of the most potent vehicles at their brs… only thing I can agree with is the Leo2a5 being 11.3 or 11.7 instead of 12.0 or whatever it is.

They do… 1 or 2 major updates after US and USSR have had their top tier fun.

Oh you mean the fat bomber with nearly impossible to guide bombs, at the same BR as the objectively better Ju288 making it practically useless?

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Hey, y’all wanted planes. Germany has plenty of good ones at all brs.

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I wouldn’t call half a dozen ‘plenty’.

Uh what? There is like 100 Germany aircraft in game…

Heh, Soviets are officially in a worse position than Germany has ever been in for TT additions of tanks at any BR.
Didn’t think that’d happen.

Germany has no paper vehicles available to acquire at this time.

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Zestorer to name one off the top of my head.