Pre-order: Object 140

Good to see it, the Object 277 and Object 770 would be nice to see in the future as well.


As expected,having basically a T-55 but with a flamethrower instead of a 7.62 coax is nice only for a rarity status,why i should have this when i can have the T-55AM-1?
Now the Obj-140 will be a fair compromise

Translation: This vehicle WILL be P2W…

I don’t see how, it doesn’t have a dart so it’s damage is gonna be rather limited.


Seems like it would be a fun tank, but not sure about the premium aspect of it. Not going to lie i really want the title of top secret , but i dont know enough about the tank to make a knowledgeable purchase and if its going to be worth spending the money on.

Can we get test drives in a NPC match or something so we can try these out before we buy them? I know content creators will make videos and that all well and good, but i would like to see how this would play how i would play.

TO-55 & T-55AM1 are better as purchases.

Ru-251, TURM III, Porsche Tiger, Leopard A1A1 L44 to name a few.

Smaller tech trees need tech tree vehicles, not premiums.

That’s not how adding vehicles works, massive L take.
“Whaa! They’re adding TAM 2IP when we already have Leopard A1A1 L/44!” level take.

just an analog of to55?
anyway i already bought pre ordered so will see on release

I do believe they’re meaning recently. All of those premiums have been in the game for at least 2 years iirc

Sure, but the point still stands that this is Soviet’s 2nd ever premium for rank 6.

Especially with my response to Fro’s ill take:

I still don’t own TAM 2IP and don’t intend to, but others do.
People will like Object 140 and they have the right to, especially since Soviets only had 1 Premium option at rank 6 until now.

Not for me, but I’m not going to insult it just cause I don’t like it.

Oh no definitely I understand, I just find it a bit boring as well, I’d love some more British premiums (British, not South African or Indian) but we’re stuck on others for now. I’m glad there’s more vehicles coming to the game for sure, just wish it was something else personally.


NEGL, that looks boring asf.

Should have added the Obj. 477 or Obj. 640


Not really. It’ll be just t like the T-62 all over again.

Damn, am i the only one who’s kinda happy to see it? It’s cool, analog, can keep company either to TO-55 or to T-55A, making another playable lineup with early soviet MBTs

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I doubt the F 117 will ever see the game lol, it wasnt a fighter (much to the contrary of the F designation). Its payload would be dwarfed by everything lower BR than it as well

Should have been adding something like the Object 770 or IS-7 obr. 1946. Bro


no one likes it since gaijin is enabling people to buy their way into higher tiers with the premium line up

For friends from Europe “Hungarian” company has a great offer 59.99 euro

A friend from Russia wrote to me that for him it costs 3900 rubles ~ 38 euro

Great deal


how exciting
another vehicle for russia
ussr tree shouldnt have any additions for next year


Can other nations get premiums they need, like germany and a 6.0 premium fighter?


Germany needs proper vehicles. They’d benefit so much from a TT Leo 1A1 and 1A3, proper SPAA between Kugel and Gepard, plus more light vehicles around the late WW2 bracket.