have you ever heard of. idk, shooting a barrel around a… CORNER??? 🤯🤯🤯🤯
have you tried that with HVAP?
also just go for it with the 105. you never run out of drum ammo if youre playing it right
Did you not read the article? There’s two. One is a Pack and the other is for GE.
With tanks that have drum autoloaders i often find myself running out of autoloader ammo because im getting so many kills and shooting so often…
good for you bro
no argument? Great one bro
You can always just sit on or near a cap, and be toxic lol
Should we be expecting another devblog today?
Its a light vehicle though. youre supposed to flank and be aggressive
looks as ugly as hell from the front
whatever toots your horn
would’ve prefered the John Cockerill leopard 1 for france
I’ll just leave this here
Why? 🤔
I suppose Magazine might announced another devblog before trailer
Yeah. That’s what I said.
No issue mate, during the sales of TURM III you can actually see downtiers when playing 9.3 and TURM III will be the main food source that your early mbt can farm.
Brilliant. Another pack vehicle for Germany, while France gets it standalone for GE… This must also mean that the DF105 will be added to France? As it should’ve been?
Did you not read what i wrote? Germany is pack, i couldnt care less for Fr*nce.
Neat vehicle.