More whether it has a LRF or not
huh, point
Amazing vehicle which is pretty unique, with a god awful price - looking forward to the update anyways.
I hope that this tank will have a detailed interior because the DF105 has essentially a black hole inside its hull
The penetration of the 20mm is essentially irrelevant. It can take out tracks and barrels. the reload will likely be 5 seconds. the marder also has great mobility idk what youre on about…
Its most likely gonna be a pretty busted tank…
no more than the DF-105
Its gonna be more lethal. It has a 20mm coax
lethal is hardly the term i would use. the RH-202 only has HVAP which shatters or ricochets at the first sign of an angle
Thats why you use it against barrels, tracks and light vehicles…
good luck
why if you have a 105mm heat lobbing gun (which the marder doesnt have)
situational but sure
You want to save your autoloader rounds. Have you ever used a tank with a drum autoloader?
Still a very nice thing to have…
i sleep
wake me up when there’s bug fixes for bugs that have been there for years
does it have a stabiliser?
So teaser tomorrow lads and Dev on Friday.
why spend literally 5 seconds shooting at a barrel when you can aim at the hull and go for the kill?
if you try to focus the barrel ur dead bro.
We’re already running close to the predicted update launch, that being March 17th or around that time frame. Unless they wanted a rushed launch, the teaser and other following things have to take place on Thursday and Friday respectively.
I’m looking forward to the F/A-18 and how it will play in-game, and don’t get me started with the upcoming F/A-18A+/C hordes which will flood the matchmaker since it was leaked to be a premium…
Germany can’t stop winning.
are you new to devblogs? Nothing new lol
As in instead of normal premium for GE.
uhh this is a cash grab DF-105 with a sucky 20mm…
that france is also getting
not a win lol
me no buy