People who have far too much money to spend and far too little sense to spend it well don’t deserve it
Ok, and? I stand by that this should’ve been a tech tree vehicle. Oh well, plenty more braindead premium players to kill.
So much for no top tier vehicles.
The fact is also is another American premium instead of being a tech tree vehicle just proves how monetary motivated you are at cash grabbing clueless usa mains.
In whole honesty, why would the yak41m be a tech tree vehicle which is a similar case to the f20. Do you plan on adding a tech tree variant? Cause if not, this is blatant p2w
What does it matter how many 12.0s are in the tech tree? This should have been given the same treatment as the Yak141. Both were prototypes, both weren’t adopted by their respective nations, both were created in similar numbers.
They insist on having the US be their cash cow for every god damn plane and tank.
…Oh good lord, almost forgot. If this thing is 11.7 or 12.0, it gets to bully the tar out of the 11.7 F-4EJ Kai, a hard body phantom chassis with the same armament (4x AIM-9L, 2xAIM-7F) and far less maneuverability/TWR…
And a good few other planes, but good lord are the F-4EJs in a sad state right now.
Cause the US has plenty of prototypes to throw out unlike Russia. Also, not having a TT version is not P2W. Honestly I don’t think you even know what the term means.
You Fr just defending gaijin?
No, he’s pointing out the obvious.
Is this defending their decision to add AIM-9Ls to it?
Cause to me and hopefully others this is me criticizing their action.
YF-17 is a better candidate for that hole anyways.
And the price is whatever, people who have money pay for it, and those who want it cheaper can wait untill it eventually ends up in a sale.
its the exact opposite
YF-17 with 9Js please and thank you.
“Unlike Russia”
Are we just forgetting every single “Object” and “Projekt” vehicle in existence, not to mention the oh-so-many aircraft prototypes?!
-And while it’s not exactly pay2win, it’s still incredibly scummy to introduce a premium without a TT equivalent (see Newport News and Des Moines in US naval, but no Salem… Wonder why…)
True, but people on the forum have trouble using logic when it comes to thinking.
Tell me you’re an usa main without making me look at stats.
Only such type of players support and defend this behaviour. And no, russia might have more prototypes for the simple fact their budget was lower, making a lot of jets never entering production.
This is another case of almost exclusively cash grabbing a cash cow. A6e, mass produced, only a premium, f4s a better f4j, premium. What else am I missing
Premium?.. Guess we know what the US team will look like for the next couple years…
What i am saying is that there is no need for a rank 8 premium
Why is it called F-20A instead of just F-20? Are you trying to sneak in more made up stuff again, snail?
The F-20A was its Serial production name, if it ever went jnto production.
Im pretty sure the USSR and Russia have plenty prototypes to throw arround too. Both in ground vehicles and air vehicles. Black Eagle, T-95, SU-37, SU-47/S-37, MIG-1.44 etc. they are a little bit more modern, but these are the one I remember at the top of my head. I’m sure theres more older ones.