Potential solution for the F-4C Phantom II

I’ve been considering making a suggestion for the AN/AAQ-8 IRCM pod for the F-4C Phantom II. The F-4C Phantom II is simultaneously one of Warhtunder’s coolest, and Warthunder’s worst plane. It bears the flight performance of a high-tier missile carries, but lacks both missiles and countermeasures. This means that moving the F-4C lower would cause it to oppress gunfighter BRs in downtiers, whilst simultaneously getting helplessly deleted by undodgeable missiles from front and back in uptiers.

I believe that the solution to this problem is simple. → give it IRCM ←

AAQ-8 -1
Screenshot from 2025-02-06 20-15-48

Giving the F-4C would allow it to fend off against high-tier Fox-2 slingers, thus performing well in uptiers without being oppressive in downtiers.


Best solution to F-4C imo

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F-4C is one of War Thunder’s best planes.
It doesn’t need anything.
Mig-19S memes on the F-4C when both are played correctly in dogfights.

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At 10.0 its a midmobile now.
Bring some Zuni pods for flares.


Are they better than the FFAR’s?

Like seriously, I tried to think of any way where F-4C is “OP” at 10.0 but it’s not.
Mig-19 is the best dogfighter in the game for its BR, dogfighting as well as an F-16 at 9.3.
F-4C has 4x rather mid radar missiles easily avoided by being below the aircraft or below the start of the ground clutter layer, or just outright dodged.
F-4C has 4x AIM-9Es for low-speed rear aspect shots while being a rather average supersonic jet in maneuverability.

F-1 has AIM-9Js at the same BR.

F-4C is good, there are just ways to defeat it with already existing aircraft: F-8E FN, Mirage IIIC, J35D, F-1, Hunter F58, any Mig-19, Mig-21 SPS-K, Mig-21S R-13-300, etc.
Phantom is strong, and it also has a lot of counters.

Also, this image is an F-4D:

Yeah since the Zunis are massive

Ariete would like to have a word.
In a dogfight its a stalemate.

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So their IR signature doesn’t fade away?

Not as badly as FFAR’s, you’ll “flare” anything short of a 9L/PL-5B/Magic 1 rear aspect.
Front aspect Zunis will “flare” anything at that BR.

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Ariete vs Mig-17PF and PF wins.
Ariete/Sag is strong though.
Of course they could’ve update Sag/Ariete since I spaded my Sag.

That’s crazy, I’ll keep it in mind when I fly the F-4C

The stalemate idea comes from far more knowledgeable players than me, namely DEFYN, who I trust and agree with.

Ariete vs Mig-19 is definitely a stalemate. I’ve duelled one in my Mig before, and neither of us were able to kill each other.

No flares at 10.0 says otherwise.


I find lack of chaff to be the biggest thing. I can deal with avoiding IR missiles. It is another story trying to use the aim7d vs anything that has SARH and chaff

Could the F-4C carry AIR-2 or AIM-26A perchance? Would be more reliable than AIM-7D

I am not aware of it carrying them.

I dont exactly have an issue with the aim7d itself. It is dealing with enemy SARH without chaff. If they have one up, you cant really use your SARH effectively

Pretty sure the F-4C was retofitted to use more advanced missiles and flares, however my suggestion for IRCM isn’t retrofitting, it’s simply how the F-4C came.

Actually it could carry AIM-7E/E-2 and is even certified to use the navy pylons to carry 6 of them.
It could carry AIM-9D as well.
ANG in later years used AIM-9J and AIM-9P variants as well.
And of course it could carry ECM and IRCM pods.
Imagine those planes stay in service till 1990 and they’ve received various upgrades in their service.
The problem is that the F-4C in game is supposed to picture the plane in the very early Vietnam configuration.