Possible addition of the Su-27SM in the next update

Only difference between 27SM and SM3 for game are cockpit and 2 more weapon points under wing.

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No Irbis PESA from Su-35 on SM3?

No, same N001VEP


Oh sorry, I assume Su-27SM3 armed IR AAM and BVRAAM like Su-30M2 but carries 8x BVRAAM and Su-27S airframe

Dude’s player icon of choice is the one that has commie flag on it…
Do you get the gist?

its literally just the pages of history reward

Who will shine the laser for the X-29L?


no one

Forward air controller

No, the F-15J won’t be able to get AAM-4 until the J/ARG-1 version and is still under test adoption for AIM-120, both of which are after the MSIP upgrade. It would need to add: new J/APR-4A RWR, J/ARG-1, F100-IHI-220E, and maybe even AN/APG-63(V)1 & J/ALQ-8. It would be an entirely separate plane with entirely new capabilities at a separate BR.

JAS-39A could theoretically use AIM-9M; the reason they didn’t is because America never exported it to Sweden. This is why NATO in Europe used AIM-9L-(I) or AIM-9L-(I)-1, which are AIM-9M equivalents and would perform similarly to AIM-9M in WT. You can’t just give a missile to a plane that can’t even use it, like giving early F-15J ARH’s.

If multi-pathing stays like it is now you can just stick to the ground, most radars currently are in the I band (especially American), which is something the Su-27 can pick up. It doesn’t get the same high (J) and low band (E and F) as some planes & helis, but it won’t “suffer” because of it just because it has a slightly bellow average RWR.

Adding an entirely new plane with new capabilities that Russia really doesn’t need compared to others (especially in terms of CAS) would be VERY unfair. Just because the Su-27 won’t be the best of the best for BVR (which I doubt will happen) doesn’t mean you need to overcompensate and add meta-breaking vehicles before we get to even use ARH’s again. Have you seen Italian, British, or Swedish air before the Grippen and how long it took for them to get competitive again?

Yak-141 is RU’s best dogfighter.

SMT is a good multirole

looks like we can bring an end to this discussion, the dev blog for FOX-3 is posted and it seems to tease both the F-15C and Su-27SM as both are seen firing FOX-3s not only that but the Su-27 has the SM deep blue cammo along with the smaller IRST

They haven’t truly “teased” either of those and I hope its for a later update and not next update, R-77 can be used by Mig-29SMT, Aim-120 can be used on F-16C just like how it was on the dev server test and I hope they actually leave it at that for now. Germany has literally 0 options to counter this thing unless they get the swiss F-18C. The only true “tease” is F-15J MSIP or F-2A/B (with J/ARG-1) as those are the only planes that can use AAM4 and have already been confirmed to get added.

It appears this one also gets a pod

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Only one was modified to equip the pod.

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