Tell me about how badly Britain needs it while France still doesn’t have a single 7.0
If you were to grind the Brit tree today how many 7.0 and 15 inch battleships would you be able to get?
Tell me why russia needs something at all then, france doesn’t have any because the ships they built weren’t the best, this is straight up giving another nation a class the original nation doesn’t have yet
“Event vehicles being time-locked sucks, always has, but that’s an issue for all nations/trees; it’s not grounds for a “Britain suffers” claim.”
“Where a particular design originates doesn’t matter, never has.”
I see everyone here would rather yell at a wall because they’re angry than actually listen to anything.
So to answer the question for you the answer would be 0
Gaijin is intentionally holding Dunkerque back. She should be a 7.0 if her shell penetration wasn’t intentionally reduced.
And I note that nobody seems to have complained about Germany getting another battlecruiser. Ersatz Yorck, btw.
AND Arkhangelsk is the only ship Russia can receive between now and Sovetsky Soyuz. Might as well just give it to them now before other nations make it obsolete. Britain doesn’t have this problem.
Saying it sucks means nothing. What matters is tech tree. No one can get those ships now.
The problem is the refusal to give us the battleships we actually had, 1 battleship in the tech tree after 2 years while another nation casually gets one of ours when they could easily give it to both
Yep. Complaining that Russia of all nations, easily the “worst” when it comes to potential bluewater options, is getting something decent… in the same patch where those who are complaining are already getting a shiny new and very good ship is simply hilarious.
Part of the problem with being a victim-card-carrying nation-main is that playing the victim is really hard for people to give up when it’s not actually appropriate anymore. Yes, Britain was lacking in capital ship additions for a while, but that time has very much passed.
Im not saying russia shouldn’t get it, im saying maybe give it to both nations
HMS Orion was 1 year ago. Queen Mary was less than 1 year ago. Rodnol is in a week.
Should they have given out both at the same time? Yes. Should you get the 3rd or 4th best ship AND an R? No.
Had you guys not been getting Rodnol I’d be in full agreement that you’re being mistreated. But as you are getting it I don’t see the need right now for you guys to get two battleships. I think France is the only tree to have gotten two tree battleships at the same time, and both f-wording suck.
Orion is 13.5 armed, not 15, in terms of 15 inch only 1 and thats event, everything else we have with the 15 inch simply cannot hold its own
How many 7.0 15 inch bateships can you research? We aren’t complaining Russia got a ship. We’re asking why isn’t a British ship going into the British tree?
Clearly the real issue is were asking for a battleship which actually has AA
who said that? if they need it they need it, they haven’t even a single 7.0, but idk what they can really add for France 7.0
And Britain is only just getting their first one, 9 months after 16 inch guns came to the game when Japan got a 2nd ship with 16 inch, the Colorado’s can come soon, but the case is different, for a Colorado (which is undoubtedly in the works) would require an entire new model, where adding an R class or an early config QE class requires very little effort, besides some nations cannot even receive 16 inch weaponry, Germany, France, Italy
which only Rodney is 7.0 and a top contender, Barham being an event vehicle, and the others being sub-par battlecruisers
its not silly, its perfectly possible and would help Britain massively, all it requires is a copy paste and a new skin,
Noone complained that Britain got the Shar FA.2 and the Tornado F.3 late at the same time despite already having an AMRAAM on a top platform
when it locks 2/3 (1/2rd now) (Edit: I remembered HMS Renown Exists) of your top tier ships behind 2 weeks of effort in the past or 32 GJN it is, all other nations with a top tier event ship has it take up a much smaller proportion of its top tier ships
I mean… the US, Japan, and France don’t have any 15 inch guns. And there’s Hood.
Really it seems your issue is the Royal Navy was stupid and didn’t adopt a 14 inch gun until it was not longer relevant in naval warfare.
So like how the US never used a 15 inch gun in service, the 15 inch is our 14 inch of the ww1 era
I dunno what to tell you. They should’ve gone 12-14-16 like the US and Japan instead of screwing around with the 13.5.
noone is complaining that Russia is getting it they did operate it after all, were complaining that Britain isn’t getting a ship of a class that it built and operated them and leased it to russia,
yes not in Capital ships,
But Top tier ships no, it took until now since HMS Hood to get a tech tree top BR vehicle, 2 years, non top BR battlecruisers are not top tier, not great compared to the 7.0 ships of other nations, especially when factoring their paper armour
Russia can get Stalingrad. She was in the 3d models leak list from 2-3y ago.
Obviously they should get Arkangelsk, but she should go to Britain as well. It’s criminal that still at this point where we about to get rank 7 naval with ww2 fast battleships, Britain still doesn’t have a single QE, and R class bb in the tech tree… Yet a nation that had the worst navy in ww2 gets British ship first. The ship Britain players been waiting for multiple years now. Proper top tier bb l.
They neglected British naval top tier for way too long. First they gave event Renown, later event Barham while the main tree was lacking of 7.0 ships. Now Russia is getting British 7.0 battleship before Britain…